
第4章 Abstract(2)

To probe into the development of the foreign nursing educationand its quality standards,some representative standardswereinvolved,such as those of the US,the UK,and Australia。It isfound that two kinds of nursing education standards mentioned abovework together harmoniously and give great contribution to theimprovement of nursing education quality for their countries。Thenatural quality standards like American Association of Colleges ofNursing(AACN)-s Essential documentsworks as the core ofwholestandards entity。The approach,methods and process aboutstandards constructionwere discussed。

Part Four:Theoretical basis of the construction of higher nursingeducation quality standards

Some theories related to pedagogy,psychology and social talentsclassificationwere discussed in the construction of higher nursingeducation quality standards。The structure of social talents evolveswith the development of the society,and education must keep pacewith the change of social talents structure。Talents in different fieldshave different social efficiency,the requirements for different socialefficiency lead to discrepancy in the making of knowledge and ability,the expected discrepancy calls for different curriculum,and finally itis easy to understand that different types of education should havetheir own quality standards。From analysis of the role andcharacteristics,higher nursing talentswould be practical engineeringtalents rather than simple technicalworkers。According toInternational EducationStandards Classif ication,higher nursingeducation above baccalaureate level should be involved in5Aprogram。The theories about qualityeducation and successfulintelligence are all very useful resource in the improvement of highernursing education quality。Higher nursing education has a competencesystem different from general higher education。

Part Five:A transcultural exploratory study about higher nursingeducation standards in foreign countries

A survey approachwas used to obtain the perceptions of Chinesenurse educators regarding the importance and cultural relevance of40key concepts extracted from two representative standards,i。e。AACN-s essentials document for baccalaureate nursing students andNMC(Nursing and Midwifery Council in UK)-s national competencystandards for pre‐registration nursing education。In keepingwith theintent of the standards documents above,this studywas limited tobaccalaureate nursing programs in China。Respondents used a five‐point Likert‐type scale for each of the40 key concepts。111 nurseeducators from41 nursing education instituteswere involved in thesurvey study。Deive statistical analyseswere performed on thedemographic and quantitative data。Implications can be concluded as aresult of the study above,which include:First,it is necessary to setup two kinds of nursing education standards in China to improvenursing training quality,i。e。the natural quality standard and thequality assessment standard。Second,the natural quality standardshould be constructed at first。Third,the quality standards of foreigncountries could be very useful resources regarding the construction ofChinese nursing education quality standards,and at the same time,keeping our nation-s own cultural tradition is also very important。

PartSix:The strategies of higher nursing education qualitystandard construction and the framework of the standard-s logic systemOn the basis of detailed analysis of corresponding approach,it isthought that functional analysis approach and outcome‐based modelshould be better than the traditional task analysis approach and input‐based model。To fulfill the role and purpose of nursing profession,the comprehensive application of nursing scientific foundation,thefundamental nursing competencies and the core nursing competencieswere necessary。The order of values regarding related knowledge,skills,ability,and valueswas served as the basis of construction ofthe“ spider net”‐shaped logic framework of the higher nursingeducation quality standard。The framework canwork as a guidelinefor nursing educator to design their curriculum;provide a blueprint ofrequired knowledge,skills and values for the nursing faculty andstudents;give values and guidelines to the assessment of highernursing education quality;communicatewith the public about thequality standard of nursing education;promote the communicationamong nursing education colleaguesworldwide。

In conclusion,firstly,principles include social‐fitness,human‐orientation,academic‐focus,and sustainable development should betaken into accountwhen developing the higher nursing educationstandards。Secondly,functional analysis approach and outcome‐basedmodel could be applied to the process of standard construction。Thirdly,the quality standards of foreign countries could be veryuseful resources。Finally,government should lead the nursingprofessional to set up the standard,and thewhole process of standardconstruction should be scientific and systematic。

Keywords:higher nursing education;quality;standard