
第7章 导言(5)

[17]从国内外学者的论述来看,国际关系地区主义中的地区有以下几个特点:其本意是一个地理单位;强调国家间的互动;处于单个国家和全球整体之间;是一个功能单位;观念建构。国外学者对地区的定义和分类,可参阅:M.Smith,Regions and Regionalism?in B.While,R.Little and M.Smith,eds.,Issues in World Politics,Macmillan Press Ltd.,1997,p.70;Joseph S.Nye,ed.,International Regionalism:Readings,Boston:Little Brown&;Company,1968,p.5;Karl W.Deutsch,“On Nationalism,World Region,and the Nature of the West”,in Per Torsvik,ed.,Mobilization,Center‐Periphery Structures and Nation Building:A Volume in Commemoration of Stein Rokkan,Bergen:Uiversitets for laget,1981,p.54;Louis J.Cantori,Steven L.Spiegal,The International Politics of Regions:A Comp a rative Approach,Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hill,1970,p.607;William R.Thompson,“The Regional Subsystem:A Conceptual Explication and a Propositional Inventory”,International Studies Quarterly,Vol.17,No.1,March 1973,p.101;Bruce M.Russett,International Regions and the International System:A Study in Political Ecology,Chicago:Rand&;Mcnally&;Company,1967,p.11.国内学者关于地区和地区主义概念的探讨,参阅肖欢容:《地区主义:理论的历史演进》,北京广播学院出版社2003年版,第1-14页;耿协峰:《新地区主义与亚太地区结构变动》,北京大学出版社2003年版,第18-38页。

[18]Strobe Talbott,Engaging India:Diplomacy,Democracy,and the Bomb,Washington,D.C.:The Brookings Institution Press,2004;New Delhi:Penguin Books India,2004,pp.28-29.


[20]Lee A.Feinstein,“After the Attacks:India Pakistan Relations and U.S.Policy Tow and the Subcontinent After September 11”,in Michael Kraig and James Henderson,eds.,“U.S.Strategies for Regional Security:South Asia”,Report of the 42nd Strategy for Peace Conference,War rent on,Virginia,2001.

[21]Selig S.Harrison and Geofrey Kemp,“India and American after the Cold War”,Washington,D.C.:Carnegie Endowment Study Report,1993.

[22]“South Asia and the United States After the Cold War”,Report of a Study Mission sponsored by The Asia Society,New York,1994,in http://www.asiasociety.org/publications/saandus_index.html.

[23]Richard N,Haass,et al.,“A New U.S.Policy tow and India and Pakistan”,New York:The Council on Foreign Relations,1997.

[24]Frank G.Wisner II,etal,eds.,“U.S.Policy Tow and India,Pakistan,and Afghanistan”,Charimen's Reprot of an Independent Task Force Cosponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society,November 2003.

[25]Dennis Kux,India and the United States:Estranged Democracies 1941—1991,Washington,D.C.:National Defense University Press,1992.

[26]Dennis Kux,The United States and Pakistan 1947—2000:Disenchanted Allies,Washington,D.C.:Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,2000.

[27]Shirin R.Tahir‐Kheli,India,Pakistan,and the United States:Breaking with the Past,New York:Council on Foreign Relations,1997.

[28]Selig S.Harrison,Demp Geoffrey,“India and America after the Cold War”,Report of the Carnegie Endowment Study Group on US‐India Relations in a Changing International Environment,1993.

[29]Arthur A.Hartman,Carla A.Hills,“South Asia and the United States After the Cold War”,The Asia Society,August 1994.

[30]Stephen P.Cohen,“India and America:An Emerging Relationship”,A Paper Presented to the Conference on the Nation‐State System and Transnational Force in South Asia,December 8-10,2000,Kyoto,Japan.

[31]Strobe Talbott,Engaging India:Diplomacy,Democracy,and the Bomb,New Delhi:Penguin Books India,2004.

[32]Justin Sommers,“The India‐China Relationship:W hat the United States Needs to Know”,Conference Report,Asian Society and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,November 30,2001.该报告现已同时在美国和印度出版成书,见Francine R.Frankel,Harry Harding,eds.,The India‐China Relationship:W hat the United States Needs to Know,Washington,D.C.and New York:Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Columbia University Press,2004;Francine R.Frankel,Harry Harding,eds.,The India‐China Relationship:Rivalry and Engagement,New Delhi:Oxfordniversity Press India,2004.