
第31章 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Light



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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (also known as UNC, or Chapel Hill, North Carolina) is a coeducational public research university located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States. It is the flagship institution of the University of North Carolina and the second largest university in North Carolina. After being chartered in 1789, the university first began enrolling students in 1795. The campus is rife with beautiful architecture and landscaping. Situated in the beautiful college town of Chapel Hill, UNC has earned a reputation as one of the best universities in the world. Carolina prides itself on a strong, diverse student body, academic opportunities not found anywhere else, and a value unmatched by any public university in the nation.

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System: UNC is divided into a number of schools and colleges, the largest of which is the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences. They offer over 70 majors to undergraduate students ranging from anthropology to nursing to playwriting. Graduate programs include the highly ranked Kenan-Flagler Business School, School of Education, School of Law, School of Medicine, Gillings School of Global Public Health, School of Social Work, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and School of Government. Note: Business is an engine for positive global change at UNC Kenan-Flagler, which is known for extraordinary learning experiences, innovative research and developing results-driven leaders.

Feature: UNC offers more than the foundation of a strong liberal arts education. Research at UNC, however, is not limited to the sciences or to graduate students. Individual students or small groups of students in every major and in every year have the opportunity to do mentored, self-directed work that explores an issue of interest to them and then communicate the results to others. To a greater to lesser degree, depending on the topic, undergraduate research projects involve inquiry, design, investigation, research, scholarship, discovery, application, writing, and performance.


landscaping [lndskeipi] n. 景观美化

nursing [n:si] n. 护理;看护;养育

playwriting [pleiraiti] n. 剧本创作;编写剧本

pharmacy [fɑ:msi] n. 药房;配药学,药剂学

extraordinary [ikstr:dnri, ikstr:dinri] adj. 非凡的;特别的

innovative [inuveitiv] adj. 革新的,创新的

results-driven [rizltzdrivn] 以结果为导向


北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校建于1789 年,位于北卡罗来纳州教堂山,是美国最著名的四年制综合性公立研究型大学之一,是被列入公立"常春藤"的最初几所大学之一,且是北卡罗来纳大学系统最古老的教育机构。在18 世纪时,它是全美唯一授予学位的公立大学。

北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校最好的学科是古典文学、英文历史、政治学和社会学, 最多人报考的学科是商科和新闻学。

在大学本科部,UNC新生需在最初两年完成"长远的"课程要求。英文、社会科学、历史、外国语言、数学, 以及自然科学这些课程都是每个学生必修的,以保证学生能接受大范围的文理科教育。完成大学二年级课程之后,学生可以进入艺术与科学学院, 或选择医学院、商业、信息与图书馆科学、公共健康、或新闻和大众传播的其他学位课程。其本科教育在美国实际上是通才教育,真正出专业人才的是研究生教育。




One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.


The only step between dream and reality is action!
