
第3章 生活口语(3)


In the library 在图书馆

Classic Sentences 经典句子

121 | The books are due back on the eighth of October. 这些书10月8日到期。

122 | You can renew the book if you can’t finish reading. 如果你没有看完这些书,你可以续借。

123 | Can you tell me how to find books in the stacks here?


124 | How long can I keep it? 我能借多久?

125 | It’s due two months from tomorrow. 从明天起再过两个月到期。

126 | How many books am I allowed to check out?我一次可以借出多少本书?

127 | What if I’m not finished with it by the due date?到了归还日期我还没读完怎么办?

128 | I’d like to renew the book for another week.我想续借这本书一星期。

129 | Please don’t forget to return them by the due time. Or you’ll have to pay fines.

★ fine [fain] n. 罚款


130 | You’ll have to pay the fine before you check those books.


* Extra Sentences

He came out of the library with a large book under his arm.


Please take good care of the book. Thank you.


Please return your book(s) in thirty days.


Sorry, the books that you want are in circulation.

★ circulation [.s..kju.lei..n] n. 循环


The reading room is large and quiet.


Useful Dialogue 实用会话

In the library 在图书馆

★ detective [di.tektiv] a. 侦探的 ★ probably [.pr.b.b(.)li]

adv. 大概,或许 ★ forgetful [f..ɡetful] a. 健忘的

① He is very fond of detective stories.他很喜欢

侦探故事。 be fond of:爱好,喜欢。通常,be fond of不

用于否定句。同样是表示“喜欢”“enjoy”往往夹杂着“享受,从中获得乐趣”的感觉,而 be fond of就显得比较平淡了,只比“like”表达的程度稍微强烈一点点而已。例如:He was

fond of drawing when he was a child. 他小时候喜欢画画。

At the Post Office 在邮局




Classic Sentences 经典句子

131 | How long does it take by regular mail?


132 | Where would you like to send it?


133 | May I send this letter by registered post?


134 | It usually takes about 3 days by airmail. 航空邮寄通常要3天时间。

135 | It’s quicker to use airmail. 航空邮寄比较快。

136 | I need this to go express mail. 我需要寄快件。

137 | I want to mail this parcel to China. 我想把这个包裹寄往中国。

138 | Can it go as printed matter? 我能不能把它作为印刷品邮寄?

139 | I’d like to pick up my package. This is the notice. 我想取我的包裹。这是通知单。

140 | Please endorse it first. 请您先签收。


* Extra Sentences

What is the charge for this parcel?


Can I have the zip code for Shanghai?


How long will it take to get there?


Do you know the fee for a letter to London?


How much would this parcel cost me by airmail?


Useful Dialogue 实用对话

Sending a Parcel

Jackie: Can I help you?

Maria: I want to send this package to Liverpool.

Jackie: What does it contain?

Maria: A vase.

Jackie: By airmail or ordinary mail?

Maria: By airmail, though it’s more expensive.

Jackie: Do you wish to insure it?

Maria: Since it can be broke easily, I would like to insure it.1 I’ll have it insured for 100 dollars.

Jackie: OK. And you should fill out the form for the

package and clearly state its content and value.

Maria: OK. How much should I pay?

Jackie: Let me weight it first. Oh, the postage is 70


① Since it can be broke easily, I would like to insure it. 因为它容易打破,我愿意投保。since侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比 because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如:Since you have finished the work, let’s go to the park.既然你已把工作做完了,我们去公园吧。

At the Bank 在银行

At the Bank



Classic Sentences 经典句子

141 | I’d like to open a current account.


142 | I’d like to open a checking account.


143 | Can I open a deposit account here?


144 | What’s the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 储蓄账户和支票账户有什么不同?

145 | You may open a current account with the bank.


146 | Here is your passbook. 这是您的存折。

147 | Please fill up these forms. 请把这些表填了。

148 | How much do you want to deposit in your account? 您希望在账上存入多少钱?

149 | What’s the interest rate for the savings account? 储蓄存款的年利率是多少?

150 | I want to deposit 500 dollars in my account. 我想在我的账户中存入500 美元。

* Extra Sentences

The code is not correct.


How much would you like to take out of your account?


I’d like to close my account.


How can I send some money to Beijing.


How much would you like to remit?


Useful Dialogue 实用会话

Withdrawing Money

Peter: Excuse me, I want to withdraw some money from my account. Here is my certificate.

Clerk: I’m sorry. The code number doesn’t coincide with the one you gave us when you opened your account.

Peter: I’m terribly sorry. I can’t remember it exactly. Let me see. Is this number correct?

Clerk: It’s correct now. Do you want to withdraw all money from your account?

Peter: Yes.

Clerk: Actually you needn’t cancel your account. I suggest that you leave a small amount in your account so that you can keep it for further.

Peter: That’s not necessary. I’m leaving here for a

At the Bank 在银行

★ withdraw [wie.dr..] v. 取回 ★ coincide [.k.uin.said] v. 符合 ★ cancel [.k.ns.l] v. 取消

① I suggest that you leave a small amount in your account so that you can keep it for further use. 我建议您在账户上留一点钱,您可

以保留账户,以便将来使用。suggest 表示“建议;提议”,可接that引导的宾语从句,如果 that从句中用should+动词原形,则should可以省略。例如:We suggested that he (should)

go and make an apology to his teacher. 我们建议他去向老师道歉。

* Extra Sentences

Could you fill it up with regular?


May I fill it up by myself?


I’d like to get some gas.


Is there a filling station nearby?


Is the gasoline in the tank enough?


Useful Dialogue 实用会话

At the Gas Station

Henry: We need to stop and get some gas. I’m

almost on empty. Maria: You worry too much. We have plenty of gas

to get home. Henry: I don’t think so. See, the warning light is on,


Maria: Usually after the warning light, there is about five gallons of gas left.

Henry: Really? There’s that much?

Maria: Sure. If it makes you feel better, we can stop

at the Exxon there on the corner. Henry: Good idea. Maria: I absolutely sure that we have enough gas to

drive home. Henry: On the contrary, I feel so worried that my

At the Gas Station 在加油站

★ warning light [.w..ni. lait]


灯,警示灯 ★ gallon [.ɡ.l.n] n. 加仑(容量单位) ★ gas station [ɡ.s.stei..n] n. 加油站