
第361章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(141)

“You have a traitor there, Aslan,” said the Witch. Of course everyone present knew that she meant Edmund. But Edmund had got past thinking about himself after all he‘d been through and after the talk he’d had that morning. He just went on looking at Aslan. It didn‘t seem to matter what the Witch said.

“Well,” said Aslan. “His offence was not against you.” “Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?” asked the Witch. “Let us say I have forgotten it,” answered Aslan gravely.

“Tell us of this Deep Magic.”

“Tell you?” said the Witch, her voice growing suddenly shriller. “Tell you what is written on the very Table of Stone which stands beside us? Tell you what is written in letters deep as a spear is long on the fire.stones on the Secret Hill? Tell you what is engraved on the sceptre of the Emperor. beyond.the.Sea? You at least know the Magic which the Emperor put into Narnia at the very beginning. You know that every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to a kill.”

“Oh,” said Mr Beaver. “So that’s how you came to imagine yourself a queen.because you were the Emperor‘s hangman. I see.”

“Peace, Beaver,” said Aslan, with a very low growl.