
第352章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(132)

Then, after a bit, Susan came down the tree. She and Peter felt pretty shaky when they met and I won‘t say there wasn’t kissing and crying on both sides. But in Narnia no one thinks any the worse of you for that.

“Quick! Quick!” shouted the voice of Aslan. “Centaurs! Eagles! I see another wolf in the thickets. There.behind you. He has just darted away. After him, all of you. He will be going to his mistress. Now is your chance to find the Witch and rescue the fourth Son of Adam.” And instantly with a thunder of hoofs and beating of wings a dozen or so of the swiftest creatures disappeared into the gathering darkness.

Peter, still out of breath, turned and saw Aslan close at hand.

“You have forgotten to clean your sword,” said Aslan.

It was true. Peter blushed when he looked at the bright blade and saw it all smeared with the Wolf ‘s hair and blood. He stooped down and wiped it quite clean on the grass, and then wiped it quite dry on his coat.

“Hand it to me and kneel, Son of Adam,” said Aslan. And when Peter had done so he struck him with the flat of the blade and said, “Rise up, Sir Peter Wolf ’s.Bane. And, whatever happens, never forget to wipe your sword.”

Deep Magic From The Dawn Of Time