
第314章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(94)

“It‘s all right, it’s all right,” he kept saying to himself; “it‘s only a stone wolf. It can’t hurt me,” and he raised his leg to step over it. Instantly the huge creature rose, with all the hair bristling along its back, opened a great, red mouth and said in a growling voice:

“Who‘s there? Who’s there? Stand still, stranger, and tell me who you are.”

“If you please, sir,” said Edmund, trembling so that he could hardly speak, “my name is Edmund, and I‘m the Son of Adam that Her Majesty met in the wood the other day, and I’ve come to bring her the news that my brotherand sisters are now in Narnia.quite close, in the Beavers‘ house. She.she wanted to see them.”

“I will tell Her Majesty,” said the Wolf. “Meanwhile, stand still on the threshold, as you value your life.” Then it vanished into the house.

Edmund stood and waited, his fingers aching with cold and his heart pounding in his chest, and presently the grey wolf, Maugrim, the Chief of the Witch’s Secret Police, came bounding back and said, “Come in! Come in! Fortunate favourite of the Queen.or else not so fortunate.”

And Edmund went in, taking great care not to tread onthe Wolf ‘s paws.