
第25章 The Magician‘s Nephew(25)

“How you do keep getting off the point!” said Uncle Andrew. “That‘s what the creatures were for. I’d boughtthem myself. Let me see.where was I? Ah yes. At last I succeeded in making the rings: the yellow rings. But now a new difficulty arose. I was pretty sure, now, that a yellow ring would send any creature that touched it into the Other Place. But what would be the good of that if I couldn‘t get them back to tell me what they had found there?”

“And what about them?” said Digory. “A nice mess they’d be in if they couldn‘t get back!”

“You will keep on looking at ever ything from the wrong point of view,” said Uncle Andrew with a look of impatience. “Can’t you understand that the thing is a great experiment? The whole point of sending anyone into the Other Place is that I want to find out what it‘s like.”

“Well, why didn’t you go yourself then?”