
第16章 青春不老,理想不死(3)

We express the hope that aclimate conducive to a negotiatedsettlement will be created soon so thatthere may no longer be the need forthe armed struggle. I,m a loyal anddisciplined member of the AfricanNational Congress. I am therefore infull agreement with all its objectives,strategies and tactics. The need to unitethe people of our country is as importanta task now as it always has been. Noindividual leader is able to take on thisenormous task on his own. It is our taskas leaders to place our views before ourorganization and to allow the democraticstructures to decide on the way forward. On the question of democratic practice,I feel duty-bound to make the point thata leader of the movement is a personwho has been democratically elected ata national conference. This is a principlewhich must be upheld without anyexceptions.


Today, I wish to report to you thatmy talks with the government havebeen aimed at normalizing the politicalsituation in the country. We have not asyet begun discussing the basic demandsof the struggle. I wish to stress that Imyself have at no time entered intonegotiations about the future of ourcountry, except to insist on a meetingbetween the ANC and the government. Mr. De Klerk has gone further than anyother Nationalist President in takingreal steps to normalize the situation. However, there are further steps, as outlinedin the Harare Declaration that have tobe met before negotiations on the basicdemands of our people can begin. I reiterateour call for, inter alia, the immediate endingof the State of Emergency and the freeing ofall, and not only some, political prisoners. Only such a normalized situation, whichallows for free political activity, can allowus to consult our people in order to obtain amandate. The people need to be consultedon who will negotiate and on the content ofsuch negotiations. Negotiations cannot takeplace - Negotiations cannot take placeabove the heads or behind the backs of ourpeople.


It is our belief that the future ofour country can only be determined bya body which is democratically electedon a non-racial basis. Negotiations onthe dismantling of apartheid will have toaddress the overwhelming demands ofour people for a democratic, non-racialand unitary South Africa. There must bean end to white monopoly on politicalpower and a fundamental restructuringof our political and economic systems toensure that the inequalities of apartheidare addressed and our society thoroughly,we base our policy and strategy on theharsh reality we are faced with. And thisreality is that we are still suffering underthe policies of the Nationalist, so that theprocess towards democracy is rapid anduninterrupted.


We have waited too long for ourfreedom. We can no longer wait. Nowis the time to intensify the struggle onall fronts. To relax our effortsnow would be a mistake whichgenerations to come will not beable to role in a united democraticand non-racial South Africa isthe only way to peace and racialharmony. In conclusion, I wishto quote my own words duringmy trial in 1964. They are as truetoday as they were then. I spoke: I have fought against whitedomination and I have foughtagainst black domination. Ihave cherished the ideal of ademocratic and free society inwhich all persons live togetherin harmony and - and withequal opportunities. It is anideal which I hope to live forand to achieve. But if needs be,it is an ideal for which I amprepared to die.

对 于 自 由 我 们 等 待 得 太久。我们不能再等了。现在是我们在各条战线上加强斗争的时候了。现在我们若放松努力将铸成大错,我们的子孙后代将不会参与进民主的,没有民族歧视的南非,这是唯一一条通向和平与民族和谐的道路。最后,我想引用一段我在1964年受审时说过的话。这段话在当时是正确的,在今天依然正确。我说:我为反对白人统治而斗争,也为反对黑人统治而斗争。我珍视有一个民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会里,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我为这个理想而生,并希望实现这个理想。但是如果需要,我也准备为这个理想而死。

The Audacity of Hope



[Barack Hussein Obama]

My father was a foreign student, born andraised in a small village in Kenya. He grewup herding goats, went to school in a tin-roofshack. His father, my grandfather, was a cook,a domestic servant.

But my grandfather had larger dreams forhis son. Through hard work and perseverancemy father got a scholarship to study in amagical place: America, which stood as abeacon of freedom and opportunity to so manywho had come before. While studying here, myfather met my mother. She was born in a townon the other side of the world, in Kansas. Herfather worked on oil rigs and farms throughmost of the Depression. The day after PearlHarbor he signed up for duty, joined Pattonsarmy and marched across Europe. Back home,my grandmother raised their baby and went towork on a bomber assembly line. After the war,they studied on the GI Bill, bought a house through FHA, and moved west in search ofopportunity.

