书城公版The Crusade of the Excelsior


"He means Tom Paine! 'The Age of Reason'--you know," said Winslow, gazing with a mixture of delight and patronizing pride at the Radicals of Todos Santos."Oh! he's no fool--is Martinez, nor Ruiz either! And while you've been flirting with Dona Isabel, and Banks has been trying to log-roll the Padre, and Crosby going in for siestas, I'VE found them out.And there are a few more--aren't there, Ruiz?"Ruiz darted a mysterious glance at Brace, and apparently not trusting himself to speak, checked off his ten fingers dramatically in the air thrice.

"As many of a surety! God and liberty!"

"But, if this is so, why haven't they DONE something?"Senor Martinez glanced at Senor Ruiz.

"Hasta manana!" he said slowly.

"Oh, this is a case of 'Hasta manana!'" said Brace, somewhat relieved.

"They can wait," returned Winslow hurriedly."It's too big a thing to rush into without looking round.You know what it means?

Either Todos Santos is in rebellion against the present Government of Mexico, or she is independent of any.Her present Government, in any event, don't represent either the Republic of Mexico or the people of Todos Santos--don't you see? And in that case WE'VE got as good a right here as any one.""He speaks the truth," said Ruiz, grasping a hand of Brace and Winslow each; "in this we are--as brothers.""God and liberty!" ejaculated Martinez, in turn seizing the other disengaged hands of the Americans, and completing the mystic circle.

"God and liberty!" echoed a thin chorus from their host and a few loungers who had entered unperceived.

Brace felt uneasy.He was not wanting in the courage or daring of youth, but it struck him that his attitude was by no means consistent with his attentions to Dona Isabel.He managed to get Winslow aside.

"This is all very well as a 'free lunch' conspiracy; but you're forgetting your parole," he said, in a low voice.

"We gave our parole to the present Government.When it no longer exists, there will be no parole--don't you see?""Then these fellows prefer waiting"--

"Until we can get OUTSIDE help, you understand.The first American ship that comes in here--eh?"Brace felt relieved.After all, his position in regard to the Alcalde's sister would not be compromised; he might even be able to extend some protection over her; and it would be a magnanimous revenge if he could even offer it to Miss Keene.

"I see you don't swear anybody to secrecy," he said, with a laugh;"shall I speak to Crosby, or will you?"

"Not yet; he'll only see something to laugh at.And Banks and Martinez would quarrel at once, and go back on each other.No; my idea is to let some outsider do for Todos Santos what Perkins did for Quinquinambo.Do you take?"His long, thin, dyspeptic face lit up with a certain small political cunning and shrewdness that struck Brace with a half-respect.

"I say, Winslow; you'd have made a first-class caucus leader in San Francisco."Winslow smiled complacently."There's something better to play on here than ward politics," he replied."There's a material here that--like the mine and the soil--ain't half developed.I reckon Ican show Banks something that beats lobbying and log-rolling for contracts.I've let you into this thing to show you a sample of my prospecting.Keep it to yourself if you want it to pay.Dat's me, George! Good-by! I'll be out to the office to-morrow!"He turned back towards his brother politicians with an expression of satisfied conceit that Brace for a moment envied.The latter even lingered on the veranda, as if he would have asked Winslow another question; but, looking at his watch, he suddenly recollected himself, and, mounting his horse, cantered down towards the plaza.

The hour of siesta was not yet over, and the streets were still deserted--probably the reason why the politicians of Todos Santos had chosen that hour for their half secret meeting.At the corner of the plaza he dismounted and led his horse to the public hitching-post--gnawn and nibbled by the teeth of generations of mustangs--and turned into the narrow lane flanked by the walls of the Alcalde's garden.Halfway down he stopped before a slight breach in the upper part of the adobe barrier, and looked cautiously around.The long, shadowed vista of the lane was unobstructed by any moving figure as far as the yellow light of the empty square beyond.With a quick leap he gained the top of the wall and disappeared on the other aide.