`I am honoured by this expression of my Prince's confidence' returned Gondremark, unabashed. `It is, therefore, with a single eye to these disorders that our present external policy has been shaped. Something was required to divert public attention, to employ the idle, to popularise your Highness's rule, and, if it were possible, to enable him to reduce the taxes at a blow and to a notable amount. The proposed expedition -- for it cannot without hyperbole be called a war -- seemed to the council to combine the various characters required; a marked improvement in the public sentiment has followed even upon our preparations; and I cannot doubt that when success shall follow, the effect will surpass even our boldest hopes.'

`You are very adroit, Herr von Gondremark,' said Otto. `You fill me with admiration. I had not heretofore done justice to your qualities.'

Seraphina looked up with joy, supposing Otto conquered; but Gondremark still waited, armed at every point; he knew how very stubborn is the revolt of a weak character.

`And the territorial army scheme, to which I was persuaded to consent -- was it secretly directed to the same end?' the Prince asked.

`I still believe the effect to have been good,' replied the Baron;

`discipline and mounting guard are excellent sedatives. But I will avow to your Highness, I was unaware, at the date of that decree, of the magnitude of the revolutionary movement; nor did any of us, I think, imagine that such a territorial army was a part of the republican proposals.'

`It was?' asked Otto. `Strange! Upon what fancied grounds?'

`The grounds were indeed fanciful,' returned the Baron. `It was conceived among the leaders that a territorial army, drawn from and returning to the people, would, in the event of any popular uprising, prove lukewarm or unfaithful to the throne.'

`I see,' said the Prince. `I begin to understand.'

`His Highness begins to understand?' repeated Gondremark, with the sweetest politeness. `May I beg of him to complete the phrase?'

`The history of the revolution,' replied Otto dryly. `And now,' he added, `what do you conclude?'

`I conclude, your Highness, with a simple reflection,' said the Baron, accepting the stab without a quiver, `the war is popular; were the rumour contradicted to-morrow, a considerable disappointment would be felt in many classes; and in the present tension of spirits, the most lukewarm sentiment may be enough to precipitate events. There lies the danger. The revolution hangs imminent; we sit, at this council board, below the sword of Damocles.'

`We must then lay our heads together,' said the Prince, `and devise some honourable means of safety.'

Up to this moment, since the first note of opposition fell from the librarian, Seraphina had uttered about twenty words. With a somewhat heightened colour, her eyes generally lowered, her foot sometimes nervously tapping on the floor, she had kept her own counsel and commanded her anger like a hero. But at this stage of the engagement she lost control of her impatience.

`Means!' she cried. `They have been found and prepared before you knew the need for them. Sign the despatch, and let us be done with this delay.'

`Madam, I said "honourable,"' returned Otto, bowing. `This war is, in my eyes, and by Herr von Gondremark's account, an inadmissible expedient.

If we have misgoverned here in Grünewald, are the people of Gerolstein to bleed and pay for our mis-doings? Never, madam; not while I live. But I attach so much importance to all that I have heard to-day for the first time -- and why only to-day, I do not even stop to ask -- that I am eager to find some plan that I can follow with credit to myself.'

`And should you fail?' she asked.

`Should I fail, I will then meet the blow half-way,' replied the Prince. `On the first open discontent, I shall convoke the States, and, when it pleases them to bid me, abdicate.'

Seraphina laughed angrily. `This is the man for whom we have been labouring!' she cried. `We tell him of change; he will devise the means, he says; and his device is abdication? Sir, have you no shame to come here at the eleventh hour among those who have borne the heat and burthen of the day? Do you not wonder at yourself? I, sir, was here in my place, striving to uphold your dignity alone. I took counsel with the wisest I could find, while you were eating and hunting. I have laid my plans with foresight; they were ripe for action; and then -- `she choked -- `then you return -- for a forenoon -- to ruin all! To-morrow, you will be once more about your pleasures; you will give us leave once more to think and work for you; and again you will come back, and again you will thwart what you had not the industry or knowledge to conceive. O! it is intolerable. Be modest, sir. Do not presume upon the rank you cannot worthily uphold. I would not issue my commands with so much gusto -- it is from no merit in yourself they are obeyed. What are you? What have you to do in this grave council?

Go,' she cried, `go among your equals? The very people in the streets mock at you for a prince.'

At this surprising outburst the whole council sat aghast.

`Madam,' said the Baron, alarmed out of his caution, `command yourself.'

`Address yourself to me, sir!' cried the Prince. `I will not bear these whisperings!'

Seraphina burst into tears.

`Sir,' cried the Baron, rising, `this lady -- `

`Herr von Gondremark,' said the Prince, `one more observation, and I place you under arrest.'

`Your Highness is the master,' replied Gondremark, bowing.

`Bear it in mind more constantly,' said Otto. `Herr Cancellarius, bring all the papers to my cabinet. Gentlemen, the council is dissolved.'

And he bowed and left the apartment, followed by Greisengesang and the secretaries, just at the moment when the Princess's ladies, summoned in all haste, entered by another door to help her forth.