The sun sank lower and lower, yet there was no sign of returning SPAHIS.At last the valley was submerged in shadow Tarzan was too proud to go back to camp until he had given the detachment ample time to return to the valley, which he thought was to have been their rendezvous.
With the closing in of night he felt safer from attack, for he was at home in the dark.He knew that none might approach him so cautiously as to elude those alert and sensitive ears of his; then there were his eyes, too, for he could see well at night; and his nose, if they came toward him from up-wind, would apprise him of the approach of an enemy while they were still a great way off.
So he felt that he was in little danger, and thus lulled to a sense of security he fell asleep, with his back against the tree.
He must have slept for several hours, for when he was suddenly awakened by the frightened snorting and plunging of his horse the moon was shining full upon the little valley, and there, not ten paces before him, stood the grim cause of the terror of his mount.
Superb, majestic, his graceful tail extended and quivering, and his two eyes of fire riveted full upon his prey, stood Numa EL ADREA, the black lion.A little thrill of joy tingled through Tarzan's nerves.It was like meeting an old friend after years of separation.For a moment he sat rigid to enjoy the magnificent spectacle of this lord of the wilderness.
But now Numa was crouching for the spring.Very slowly Tarzan raised his gun to his shoulder.He had never killed a large animal with a gun in all his life--heretofore he had depended upon his spear, his poisoned arrows, his rope, his knife, or his bare hands.Instinctively he wished that he had his arrows and his knife--he would have felt surer with them.
Numa was lying quite flat upon the ground now, presenting only his head.Tarzan would have preferred to fire a little from one side, for he knew what terrific damage the lion could do if he lived two minutes, or even a minute after he was hit.The horse stood trembling in terror at Tarzan's back.
The ape-man took a cautious step to one side--Numa but followed him with his eyes.Another step he took, and then another.
Numa had not moved.Now he could aim at a point between the eye and the ear.
His finger tightened upon the trigger, and as he fired Numa sprang.At the same instant the terrified horse made a last frantic effort to escape--the tether parted, and he went careening down the canon toward the desert.
No ordinary man could have escaped those frightful claws when Numa sprang from so short a distance, but Tarzan was no ordinary man.From earliest childhood his muscles had been trained by the fierce exigencies of his existence to act with the rapidity of thought.As quick as was EL ADREA, Tarzan of the Apes was quicker, and so the great beast crashed against a tree where he had expected to feel the soft flesh of man, while Tarzan, a couple of paces to the right, pumped another bullet into him that brought him clawing and roaring to his side.
Twice more Tarzan fired in quick succession, and then EL ADREA lay still and roared no more.It was no longer Monsieur Jean Tarzan; it was Tarzan of the Apes that put a savage foot upon the body of his savage kill, and, raising his face to the full moon, lifted his mighty voice in the weird and terrible challenge of his kind--a bull ape had made his kill.
And the wild things in the wild mountains stopped in their hunting, and trembled at this new and awful voice, while down in the desert the children of the wilderness came out of their goatskin tents and looked toward the mountains, wondering what new and savage scourge had come to devastate their flocks.
A half mile from the valley in which Tarzan stood, a score of white-robed figures, bearing long, wicked-looking guns, halted at the sound, and looked at one another with questioning eyes.But presently, as it was not repeated, they took up their silent, stealthy way toward the valley.
Tarzan was now confident that Gernois had no intention of returning for him, but he could not fathom the object that had prompted the officer to desert him, yet leave him free to return to camp.His horse gone, he decided that it would be foolish to remain longer in the mountains, so he set out toward the desert.
He had scarcely entered the confines of the canon when the first of the white-robed figures emerged into the valley upon the opposite side.For a moment they scanned the little depression from behind sheltering bowlders, but when they had satisfied themselves that it was empty they advanced across it.Beneath the tree at one side they came upon the body of EL ADREA.With muttered exclamations they crowded about it.Then, a moment later, they hurried down the canon which Tarzan was threading a brief distance in advance of them.
They moved cautiously and in silence, taking advantage of shelter, as men do who are stalking man.