书城公版Tales of Trail and Town


Again, the revelation of her familiar name Friddy seemed to make her more accessible and human to him than her formal title, and suited the girlish simplicity that lay at the foundation of her character, of which he had seen so little before.At least so he fancied, and so excused himself; it was delightful to find her referring to him as an older friend; pleasant, indeed, to see that her family tacitly recognized it, and frequently appealed to him with the introduction, "Friddy says you can tell us," or "You and Friddy had better arrange it between you." Even the dreaded introduction of his sister was an agreeable surprise, owing to Lady Elfrida's frank and sympathetic prepossession, which Jenny could not resist.In a few moments they were walking together in serious and apparently confidential conversation.For to Peter's wonder it was the "Lady Elfrida" side of the English girl's nature that seemed to have attracted Jenny, and not the playfulness of "Friddy," and he was delighted to see that the young girl had assumed a grave chaperonship of the tall Mrs.Lascelles that would have done credit to Mrs.Carter or Lady Runnybroke.Had he been less serious he might have been amused, too, at the importance of his own position in the military outpost, through the arrival of the strangers.That this grave political enthusiast and civilian should be on familiar terms with a young Englishwoman of rank was at first inconceivable to the officers.And that he had never alluded to it before seemed to them still more remarkable.

Nevertheless, there was much liveliness and good fellowship at the fort.Captains and lieutenants down to the youngest "cub,"Forsyth, vied with each other to please the Englishmen, supplied them with that characteristic American humor and anecdote which it is an Englishman's privilege to bring away with him, and were picturesquely and chivalrously devoted in their attentions to the ladies, who were pleased and amused by it, though it is to be doubted if it increased their respect for the giver, although they were more grateful for it than the average American woman.Lady Elfrida found the officers very entertaining and gallant.

Accustomed to the English officer, and his somewhat bored way of treating his profession and his duties, she may have been amused at the zeal, earnestness, and enthusiasm of these youthful warriors, who aspired to appear as nothing but soldiers, when she contrasted them with her Guardsmen relatives who aspired to be everything else but that; but she kept it to herself.It was a recognized, respectable, and even superior occupation for gentlemen in England;what it might be in America,--who knows? She certainly found Peter, the civilian, more attractive, for there really was nothing English to compare him with, and she had something of the same feeling in her friendship for Jenny, except the patronage which Jenny seemed to solicit, and perhaps require, as a foreigner.

One afternoon the English guests, accompanied by a few of their hosts and a small escort, were making a shooting expedition to the vicinity of Green Spring, when Peter, plunged in his report, looked up to find his sister entering his office.Her face was pale, and there was something in her expression which reawakened his old anxiety.Nevertheless he smiled, and said gently:--"Why are you not enjoying yourself with the others?""I have a headache," she said, languidly, "but," lifting her eyes suddenly to his, "why are YOU not? You are their good friend, you know,--even their relation.""No more than you are," he returned, with affected gayety."But look at the report--it is only half finished! I have already been shirking it for them.""You mustn't let your devotion to the Indians keep you from your older friends," said Mrs.Lascelles, with an odd laugh."But you never told me about these people before, Peter; tell me now.They were very kind to you, weren't they, on account of your relationship?""Entirely on account of that," said Peter, with a sudden bitterness he could not repress."But they are very pleasant," he added quickly, "and very simple and unaffected, in spite of their rank;perhaps I ought to say, BECAUSE of it."

"You mean they are kind to us because they feel themselves superior,--just as you are kind to the Indians, Peter.""I am afraid they have no such sense of political equality towards us, Jenny, as impels me to be just to the Indian," he said with affected lightness."But Lady Elfrida sympathizes with the Indians--very much.""She!" The emphasis which his sister put upon the personal pronoun was unmistakable, but Peter ignored it, and so apparently did she, as she said the next moment in a different voice, "She's very pretty, don't you think?""Very," said Peter coldly.

There was a long pause.Peter slightly fingered one of the sheets of his delayed report on his desk.His sister looked up."I'm afraid I'm as bad as Lady Elfrida in keeping you from your Indians;but I had something to say to you.No matter, another time will do when you're not so busy.""Please go on now," said Peter, with affected unconcern, yet with a feeling of uneasiness creeping over him.

"It was only this," said Jenny, seating herself with her elbow on the desk and her chin in a cup-like hollow of her hand, "did you ever think that in the interests of these poor Indians, you know, purely for the sake of your belief in them, and just to show that you were above vulgar prejudices,--did you ever think you could marry one of them?"Two thoughts flashed quickly on Peter's mind,--first, that Lady Elfrida had repeated something of their conversation to his sister;secondly, that some one had told her of Little Daybreak.Each was equally disturbing.But he recovered himself quickly and said, "Imight if I thought it was required.But even a sacrifice is not always an example.""Then you think it would be a sacrifice?" she said, slowly raising her dark eyes to his.