书城公版The Paris Sketch Book


He heard me with a great deal of attention.I described to him most minutely the circumstance, expatiated upon the charms of my dear Mary, and painted her to him from head to foot.Her golden hair and her bright blushing cheeks, her slim waist and her tripping tiny feet; and furthermore, I added that she possessed a fortune which ought, by rights, to be mine, but for the miserly old father."Curse him for an aristocrat!" concluded I, in my wrath.

As I had been discoursing about Mary's charms Schneider listened with much complacency and attention: when I spoke about her fortune, his interest redoubled; and when I called her father an aristocrat, the worthy ex-Jesuit gave a grin of satisfaction, which was really quite terrible.O fool that I was to trust him so far!

The very same evening an officer waited upon me with the following note from Saint Just:--"STRASBURG, Fifth year of the Republic, one and indivisible, 11Ventose.

"The citizen Pierre Ancel is to leave Strasburg within two hours, and to carry the enclosed despatches to the President of the Committee of Public Safety at Paris.The necessary leave of absence from his military duties has been provided.Instant punishment will follow the slightest delay on the road.

Salut et Fraternite."

There was no choice but obedience, and off I sped on my weary way to the capital.

As I was riding out of the Paris gate I met an equipage which Iknew to be that of Schneider.The ruffian smiled at me as Ipassed, and wished me a bon voyage.Behind his chariot came a curious machine, or cart; a great basket, three stout poles, and several planks, all painted red, were lying in this vehicle, on the top of which was seated my friend with the big cockade.It was the PORTABLE GUILLOTINE which Schneider always carried with him on his travels.The bourreau was reading "The Sorrows of Werter," and looked as sentimental as usual.

I will not speak of my voyage in order to relate to you Schneider's.My story had awakened the wretch's curiosity and avarice, and he was determined that such a prize as I had shown my cousin to be should fall into no hands but his own.No sooner, in fact, had I quitted his room than he procured the order for my absence, and was on the way to Steinbach as I met him.

The journey is not a very long one; and on the next day my uncle Jacob was surprised by receiving a message that the citizen Schneider was in the village, and was coming to greet his old friend.Old Jacob was in an ecstasy, for he longed to see his college acquaintance, and he hoped also that Schneider had come into that part of the country upon the marriage-business of your humble servant.Of course Mary was summoned to give her best dinner, and wear her best frock; and her father made ready to receive the new State dignitary.

Schneider's carriage speedily rolled into the court-yard, and Schneider's CART followed, as a matter of course.The ex-priest only entered the house; his companion remaining with the horses to dine in private.Here was a most touching meeting between him and Jacob.They talked over their old college pranks and successes;they capped Greek verses, and quoted ancient epigrams upon their tutors, who had been dead since the Seven Years' War.Mary declared it was quite touching to listen to the merry friendly talk of these two old gentlemen.

After the conversation had continued for a time in this strain, Schneider drew up all of a sudden, and said quietly, that he had come on particular and unpleasant business--hinting about troublesome times, spies, evil reports, and so forth.Then he called uncle Edward aside, and had with him a long and earnest conversation: so Jacob went out and talked with Schneider's FRIEND;they speedily became very intimate, for the ruffian detailed all the circumstances of his interview with me.When he returned into the house, some time after this pleasing colloquy, he found the tone of the society strangely altered.Edward Ancel, pale as a sheet, trembling, and crying for mercy; poor Mary weeping; and Schneider pacing energetically about the apartment, raging about the rights of man, the punishment of traitors, and the one and indivisible republic.

"Jacob," he said, as my uncle entered the room, "I was willing, for the sake of our old friendship, to forget the crimes of your brother.He is a known and dangerous aristocrat; he holds communications with the enemy on the frontier; he is a possessor of great and ill-gotten wealth, of which he has plundered the Republic.Do you know," said he, turning to Edward Ancel, "where the least of these crimes, or the mere suspicion of them, would lead you?"Poor Edward sat trembling in his chair, and answered not a word.

He knew full well how quickly, in this dreadful time, punishment followed suspicion; and, though guiltless of all treason with the enemy, perhaps he was aware that, in certain contracts with the Government, he had taken to himself a more than patriotic share of profit.

"Do you know," resumed Schneider, in a voice of thunder, "for what purpose I came hither, and by whom I am accompanied? I am the administrator of the justice of the Republic.The life of yourself and your family is in my hands: yonder man, who follows me, is the executor of the law; he has rid the nation of hundreds of wretches like yourself.A single word from me, and your doom is sealed without hope, and your last hour is come.Ho! Gregoire!" shouted he; "is all ready?"Gregoire replied from the court, "I can put up the machine in half an hour.Shall I go down to the village and call the troops and the law people?""Do you hear him?" said Schneider."The guillotine is in the court-yard; your name is on my list, and I have witnesses to prove your crime.Have you a word in your defence?"Not a word came; the old gentleman was dumb; but his daughter, who did not give way to his terror, spoke for him.