书城公版The Mysterious Island


Pencroft's first care, after unloading the raft, was to render the cave habitable by stopping up all the holes which made it draughty.Sand, stones, twisted branches, wet clay, closed up the galleries open to the south winds.One narrow and winding opening at the side was kept, to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw.The cave was thus divided into three or four rooms, if such dark dens with which a donkey would scarcely have been contented deserved the name.But they were dry, and there was space to stand upright, at least in the principal room, which occupied the center.The floor was covered with fine sand, and taking all in all they were well pleased with it for want of a better.

"Perhaps," said Herbert, while he and Pencroft were working, "our companions have found a superior place to ours.""Very likely," replied the seaman; "but, as we don't know, we must work all the same.Better to have two strings to one's bow than no string at all!""Oh!" exclaimed Herbert, "how jolly it will be if they were to find Captain Harding and were to bring him back with them!""Yes, indeed!" said Pencroft, "that was a man of the right sort.""Was!" exclaimed Herbert, "do you despair of ever seeing him again?""God forbid!" replied the sailor.Their work was soon done, and Pencroft declared himself very well satisfied.

"Now," said he, "our friends can come back when they like.They will find a good enough shelter."They now had only to make a fireplace and to prepare the supper--an easy task.Large flat stones were placed on the ground at the opening of the narrow passage which had been kept.This, if the smoke did not take the heat out with it, would be enough to maintain an equal temperature inside.

Their wood was stowed away in one of the rooms, and the sailor laid in the fireplace some logs and brushwood.The seaman was busy with this, when Herbert asked him if he had any matches.

"Certainly," replied Pencroft, "and I may say happily, for without matches or tinder we should be in a fix.""Still we might get fire as the savages do," replied Herbert, "by rubbing two bits of dry stick one against the other.""All right; try, my boy, and let's see if you can do anything besides exercising your arms.""Well, it's a very simple proceeding, and much used in the islands of the Pacific.""I don't deny it," replied Pencroft, "but the savages must know how to do it or employ a peculiar wood, for more than once I have tried to get fire in that way, but I could never manage it.I must say I prefer matches.By the bye, where are my matches?"Pencroft searched in his waistcoat for the box, which was always there, for he was a confirmed smoker.He could not find it; he rummaged the pockets of his trousers, but, to his horror, he could nowhere discover the box.

"Here's a go!" said he, looking at Herbert."The box must have fallen out of my pocket and got lost! Surely, Herbert, you must have something--a tinder-box--anything that can possibly make fire!""No, I haven't, Pencroft."

The sailor rushed out, followed by the boy.On the sand, among the rocks, near the river's bank, they both searched carefully, but in vain.The box was of copper, and therefore would have been easily seen.

"Pencroft," asked Herbert, "didn't you throw it out of the car?""I knew better than that," replied the sailor; "but such a small article could easily disappear in the tumbling about we have gone through.I would rather even have lost my pipe! Confound the box! Where can it be?""Look here, the tide is going down," said Herbert; "let's run to the place where we landed."It was scarcely probable that they would find the box, which the waves had rolled about among the pebbles, at high tide, but it was as well to try.Herbert and Pencroft walked rapidly to the point where they had landed the day before, about two hundred feet from the cave.They hunted there, among the shingle, in the clefts of the rocks, but found nothing.If the box had fallen at this place it must have been swept away by the waves.As the sea went down, they searched every little crevice with no result.It was a grave loss in their circumstances, and for the time irreparable.

Pencroft could not hide his vexation; he looked very anxious, but said not a word.Herbert tried to console him by observing, that if they had found the matches, they would, very likely, have been wetted by the sea and useless.

"No, my boy," replied the sailor; "they were in a copper box which shut very tightly; and now what are we to do?""We shall certainly find some way of making a fire," said Herbert.

"Captain Harding or Mr.Spilett will not be without them.""Yes," replied Pencroft; "but in the meantime we are without fire, and our companions will find but a sorry repast on their return.""But," said Herbert quickly, "do you think it possible that they have no tinder or matches?""I doubt it," replied the sailor, shaking his head, "for neither Neb nor Captain Harding smoke, and I believe that Mr.Spilett would rather keep his note-book than his match-box."Herbert did not reply.The loss of the box was certainly to be regretted, but the boy was still sure of procuring fire in some way or other.

Pencroft, more experienced, did not think so, although he was not a man to trouble himself about a small or great grievance.At any rate, there was only one thing to be done--to await the return of Neb and the reporter; but they must give up the feast of hard eggs which they had meant to prepare, and a meal of raw flesh was not an agreeable prospect either for themselves or for the others.

Before returning to the cave, the sailor and Herbert, in the event of fire being positively unattainable, collected some more shell-fish, and then silently retraced their steps to their dwelling.

Pencroft, his eyes fixed on the ground, still looked for his box.He even climbed up the left bank of the river from its mouth to the angle where the raft had been moored.He returned to the plateau, went over it in every direction, searched among the high grass on the border of the forest, all in vain.