书城公版The Silverado Squatters


CRABTREE.Why one evening at Mrs.Ponto's Assembly--the conversation happened to turn on the difficulty of breeding Nova-Scotia Sheep in this country--says a young Lady in company[, "]I have known instances of it[--]for Miss Letitia Shepherd, a first cousin of mine, had a Nova-Scotia Sheep that produced her Twins.["--"]What!["] cries the old Dowager Lady Dundizzy (who you know is as deaf as a Post), ["]has Miss Letitia Shepherd had twins["]--This Mistake--as you may imagine, threw the whole company into a fit of Laughing--However 'twas the next morning everywhere reported and in a few Days believed by the whole Town, that Miss Letitia Shepherd had actually been brought to Bed of a fine Boy and Girl--and in less than a week there were People who could name the Father, and the Farm House where the Babies were put out to Nurse.

LADY SNEERWELL.Strange indeed!

CRABTREE.Matter of Fact, I assure you--O Lud! Mr.Surface pray is it true that your uncle Sir Oliver is coming home--SURFACE.Not that I know of indeed Sir.

CRABTREE.He has been in the East Indies a long time--you can scarcely remember him--I believe--sad comfort on his arrival to hear how your Brother has gone on!

SURFACE.Charles has been imprudent Sir to be sure[;] but I hope no Busy people have already prejudiced Sir Oliver against him--He may reform--

SIR BENJAMIN.To be sure He may--for my Part I never believed him to be so utterly void of Principle as People say--and tho'

he has lost all his Friends I am told nobody is better spoken of--by the Jews.

CRABTREE.That's true egad nephew--if the Old Jewry was a Ward I believe Charles would be an alderman--no man more popular there, 'fore Gad I hear He pays as many annuities as the Irish Tontine and that whenever He's sick they have Prayers for the recovery of his Health in the synagogue--SIR BENJAMIN.Yet no man lives in greater Splendour:--they tell me when He entertains his Friends--He can sit down to dinner with a dozen of his own Securities, have a score Tradesmen waiting in the Anti-Chamber, and an officer behind every guest's Chair.

SURFACE.This may be entertainment to you Gentlemen but you pay very little regard to the Feelings of a Brother.

MARIA.Their malice is intolerable--Lady Sneerwell I must wish you a good morning--I'm not very well.

[Exit MARIA.]

MRS.CANDOUR.O dear she chang'd colour very much!

LADY SNEERWELL.Do Mrs.Candour follow her--she may want assistance.

MRS.CANDOUR.That I will with all my soul ma'am.--Poor dear Girl--who knows--what her situation may be!


LADY SNEERWELL.'Twas nothing but that she could not bear to hear Charles reflected on notwithstanding their difference.

SIR BENJAMIN.The young Lady's Penchant is obvious.

CRABTREE.But Benjamin--you mustn't give up the Pursuit for that--follow her and put her into good humour--repeat her some of your verses--come, I'll assist you--SIR BENJAMIN.Mr.Surface I did not mean to hurt you--but depend on't your Brother is utterly undone--[Going.]

CRABTREE.O Lud! aye--undone--as ever man was--can't raise a guinea.

SIR BENJAMIN.And everything sold--I'm told--that was movable--[Going.]

CRABTREE.I was at his house--not a thing left but some empty Bottles that were overlooked and the Family Pictures, which I believe are framed in the Wainscot.


SIR BENJAMIN.And I'm very sorry to hear also some bad stories against him.


CRABTREE.O He has done many mean things--that's certain!

SIR BENJAMIN.But however as He is your Brother----[Going.]

CRABTREE.We'll tell you all another opportunity.


LADY SNEERWELL.Ha! ha! ha! 'tis very hard for them to leave a subject they have not quite run down.

SURFACE.And I believe the Abuse was no more acceptable to your Ladyship than Maria.

LADY SNEERWELL.I doubt her Affections are farther engaged than we imagin'd but the Family are to be here this Evening so you may as well dine where you are and we shall have an opportunity of observing farther--in the meantime, I'll go and plot Mischief and you shall study Sentiments.
