书城童书Nothing at all


ONCE UPON A TIME there were three little orphan dogs.

They were brothers.They lived in a far forgotten corner of an old forgotten farm in three forgotten kennels which stood there in a row.

One of the kennels had a pointed roof and in it lived Pointy,the dog with pointed ears.

Another kennel had a curly roof and in it lived Curly,the dog with curly ears.

The middle kennel had a roundish roof and in it lived the third dog,but whether he had round ears nobody knew,for he was a dog whom no one could see.He was invisible.

He was not very tall.

Nor yet very small;

He looked like nothing.

Like nothing at all.

And that was his name —Nothing-at-all.

Nothing-at-all was happy enough,for although no one could see him,he had just as much fun as any other dog.

He could jump and run and eat.He could hear and see and smell.

He could bark and romp and play with his two little puppy brothers.

And Pointy said to Nothing-at-all,"We love you even if we can't see you."

And Curly said,"We know you are a really truly dog even if we can't see you.We can't see the wind either but the wind is real.And we can't see smells but smells are very real."