
第8章 导言(6)

[33]Venu Rajamony,“India‐China‐U.S.Triangle:A 'Soft' Balance of Power System in the Making”,Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS),March 2002.

[34]John W.Garver,“The China‐India‐U.S.Triangle:Strategic Relations in the Post‐Cold War Era”,NBR Analysis,Volume 13,Number 5,October 2002.

[35]Mohan Malik,“The China Factor in India Pakistan Conflict”,Asia‐Pacific Center for Security Studies,Occasional Paper,November 2002,in http://www.apcss.org/

[36]Richard N.Haass,Morton H.Halperin,“After the Tests:U.S.Policy Tow and India and Pakistan”,Independent Task Force Report,sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings Institution.September 17,1998.

[37]“South Asia after the Tests:W here Do We Go from Here”,New York:Asia Society,1998.

[38]Stephen P.Cohen,“Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in South Asia”,Paper presented to the Harvard/MIT Security Project Seminar,November 23,1998.

[39]Michael Krepon and Chris Gange,eds.,“The Stability‐Instability Paradox:Nuclear Weapons and Brinksmanship in South Asia”,Washington,D.C.:The Henry L.Stimson Center,2001.

[40]Martin J.Wojtysiak,“Preventing Catastrophe:U.S.Policy Options for Management of Nuclear Weapons in South Asia”,Air War College,Maxwell Paper,No.25,August 2001.

[41]Perkovich,George,etal.,“Universal Compliance:A Strategy for Nuclear Security”,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,June 2004

[42]“The Implications of South Asia's Nuclear Tests for Non‐proliferation and Disarmament Regimes”,A Report of the UNIDIR Conference held on 7-8 September 1998,Palaisdes Nations,Geneva.New York:United Nations,1999.

[43]Devin T.Hagerty,“U.S.Policy and the Kashmir Dispute:Prospects for Resolution”,in Sumit Ganguly ed.,The Kashmir Question:Retrospect and Prospect,London:Frank Cass and Company Limited,2003,pp.89-116.

[44]Sumit Ganguly,The Crisis in Kashima:Portents of War,Hope of Peace,Washington,D.C.:The Woodrow Wilson Center Press,1997

[45]Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,in http://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.

[46]Saurabh Naithani,“Memorandum on U.S.Policy to wards Kashmir Post 9·11”,Office of Analysis for Near East and South Asia(INR/NESA),December 3,2002.

[47]参阅Bruce Riedel,“New Directions in IndoU.S.Relations:President Clinton's V is it to India”,CASI(Center for the Advanced Study of India)Occasional Paper,Number 11,February 21,2000;Bruce Riedel,“New Opportunities in US‐South Asia Relations:A n Assessment of President Clinton's Visit to India”,CASI Occasional Paper,Number 12,May 9,2000.

[48]和平战略会议(Strategy for Peace Conference)是由史坦利基金会(the Stanley Foundation)每年举办的外交政策会议,邀请公共和私营部门的学者评估特定的政策问题并就未来的政策走向提出建议。

2001年年会的主题是地区安全和美国的战略,包括欧洲安全、朝鲜半岛和东北亚、中东安全、南亚安全四个子问题。其中南亚部分包括四个报告,即:Lee A.Feinstein的《袭击之后:“9·11”事件后印巴关系和美国对次大陆的政策》;James C.Clad的《南亚邻居的持久特征:“9·11”事件后的美国政策选项》;Lewis A.Dunn的《南亚核难题:美国和利益和选择》;David Albright的《确保巴基斯坦的核武库安全》。

[49]Lee Feinstein,James C.Clad,Lewis A.Dunn,David Albright,“A New Equation:U.S.Policy to war d India and Pakistan after September 11”,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,Global Policy Program,Number 27,May 2002.

[50]Rose Gottemoeller,Rebecca Longs worth,“Enhancing Nuclear Security in The Counter‐Terrorism Struggle:India and Pakistan as A New Region for Cooperation”,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,Global Policy Program,Number 29,August 2002.

[51]Frank G.Wisner II,Nicholas Platt,Marshall M.Bouton,“New Priorities:U.S.Policy to ward India,Pakistan,and Afghanistan”,Chairmen's Report of an Independent Task Force Cosponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society,November 2003.

[52]National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,“The”9·11“Commission Report”,Washington,D.C.:Government Printing Office,2004.

[53]Richard N.Haass,ed.“The Role of Think Tanks in U.S.Forei gn Policy”,U.S.Foreign Policy Agenda,Vol.7,November 2002.