
第20章 超越均势理念:冷战后美国对南亚的重新认识(5)

[17]“U.S.Interests in India and Pakistan”,Text of Speech by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ofState for South Asian Affairs,John R.Malott,at India International Center,New Delhi on May 19,1993,in Strategic Digest,Vol.23,No.7,July 1993,p.1057.

[18]Robin Raphel,“U p date on U.S.Policy Towards South Asia”,Remarks before the Subcommittee on Asia and Pacific of the House Committee on International Relations,U.S.Department of State Dispatch,Washington,D.C.,20 February 1995,Vol.6,No.8,pp.46-52.

[19]Karl F.Inderfurth,Assistant Secretary of State‐Designate for South Asian Affairs,Remarks before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,Washington,D.C.,July 10,1997,in http://www.state.gov/www/regions/sa/inderfurth071097.html.

[20]Doug Bereuter,“Perspectives of U.S.National Interests in Asia”,The Seventh Annual B.C.Lee Lecture,The Heritage Foundation,2001.由传统基金会主办的B.C.Lee演讲每年举办一次,始于1995年,主要聚焦美国与亚太地区的关系。这一演讲是由韩国三星集团(The Samsung Group)资助,为纪念该集团已故创始人B.C.Lee而举办的。

[21]2002年6月11日,布鲁金斯研究院组织了一次有关“美国在印巴危机中的作用”的讨论会,出席者除了Stephen P.Cohen外,还有在布鲁金斯研究院从事访问研究的印度学者Navnita Chadha Behera和巴基斯坦学者Feroz Hassan Khan准将。A Brookings Press Briefing,“What Role Does the United States Have in the India‐Pakistan Crisis?”in http://www.brookings.org/comm/trans/20020611.htm.

[22]Richard Haass,“Securing South Asia”,in The Peace Dividend:Progress for India and South Asia,New Delhi:Lot U.S.Collection Roli Books,2004,pp.69-73.

[23]Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Affairs Christina B.Rocca,“New Horizons in United States Relations w ith South Asia”,University of Pennsylvania Center for the Advanced Study of India Philadelphia,April 21,2004.

[24]K.Alan Kronstadt,“Pakistan‐U.S.Relations”,CRS(Congressional Research Service)Issue Brief for Congress,updated October 8,2004.

[25]Pervaiz lqbal Cheema,“American Policy in South Asia:Interests and Objectives”,in Stephen Philip Cohen,ed.,The Security of South Asia:American and Asian Perspectives,University of IllinoisPress,1987,p.120.

[26]Warren Christopher,“America's Leadership,America's Opportunity”,Foreign Policy,Spring 1995,p.16 and p.18.

[27]Frank G.Wisner,“Sustaining Economic G row th through Social Infrastructure”,speech delivered at Lucknow(India),April 12,1996.

[28]Frank G.Wisner,“US‐Indo Relations:Building a Partnership Today Meet the Global Challenges of Tomorrow”,speech given before Confederation of Indian Industry at Bombay(Mumbai),January 12,1996.

[29]Robin Raphel,“U p date on U.S.Policy Towards South Asia”,Remarks before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the House Committee on International Relations,U.S.Department of State Dispatch,Washington,D.C.,February 20,1995,Vol.6,No.8,p.135.

[30]Jeffrey D.Sachs,“Consolidating Capitalism”,Foreign Policy,Spring 1995,p.50.


[32]Henry A.Kissinger,Diplomacy,New York:Simon&;Schuster,1994,pp.23-24.



[35]National Defense University,Institute for National Strategic Studies,Strategic Assessment 1998:Engaging Power for Peace,Washington,DC:1998,p.xiii.

[36]Robert S.Chase,Emily B.Hill,and Paul Kenedy,“Pivotal States and U.S.Strategy”,ForeignA ff airs,Vol.75,No.1,January‐February 1996,p.37.


[38]Robert S.Chase,Emily Hill,and Paul Kennedy,eds.,Pivotal States:A New Framework for U.S.Policy in the Develop ing World,New York:W.W.Norton,1998,p.420.

[39]Donald C.F.Daniel and Andrew L.Ross,“U.S.Strategic Planning and the Pivotal States”,in Robert S.Chase,etal.,Pivotal States:A New Framework for U.S.Policy in the Developing World,New York:W.W.Norton,1998,p.407.

[40]Stephen P.Cohen and Sumit Ganguly,“India”,in Robert S.Chase,etal.,Pivotal States:A New Framework for U.S.Policy in the Developing World,New York:W.W.Norton,1998,p.60.


[42]Jeffey E.Garten,The Big Ten:The Big Emerging Markets and H ow They Will Change Our Lives,New York:Basic Books,1997,p.12.