
第71章 全球性萧条及全球性重组(12)

●372◆“Revolution in China and in Europe”(1953), Marx/Engels Collected Works vol.12, New York: International Publishers, 1979, p.220. 

●373◆ 马克思本人的意见有明确的时间维度:“欧洲各民族对亚洲产品和美洲财富的竞争,连同他们的殖民制度,对束缚生产力的封建关系的解体作出了根本性的贡献”;但“现代[资本主义]生产方式在其制造业初期,只有在那些中世纪创造的[国内]条件具备的地方才能发展” (Capital III: A Critique of Political Economy, London: Penguin, 1993, p.450)。

●374◆ Great Divergence, pp.6-7, 23, 20.

●375◆ Arrighi, Smith in Beijing, p.272. 

●376◆ Frank, Reorientation, pp.334-8. 他认为很多所谓内在于西方道路的因素都应该被“放大到整个世界范围的过程来观察” (p.339)。

●377◆ Paul Cohen, Discovering History in China: American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past, New York: Columbia University Press, 1984, p.154.

●378◆ 引自The End of the World as We Know It: Social Science for the 21 Century, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999, pp.179-81。

●379◆ 引自Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, New York: Herder & Herder, 1972, p.92。 

●380◆ Chen Kuan-Hsing (2010) Asia as Method, Durham: Duke University Press, 2010, p.xv.

●381◆ Bruce Cumings (2011) “The ‘rise of China’?”, in Katherine Lynch, Robert Marks and Paul Pickowicz, eds. Radicalism, Revolution, and Reform in Modern China. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011, p.185.

●382◆ John King Fairbank, Introduction to ed. Chinese Thought and Institutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957, p.4。

●383◆ Costas Douzinas, Costas (2010) ‘Adikia: on communism and rights’. In Douzinas and Slavoj Zizek (eds.) The Idea of Communism, London: Verso, 2010, p.92.

●384◆ The Civil War in France (1871), New York: International Publishers, 1968, p.213.

●385◆ Elizabeth Perry, ‘From Paris to the Paris of the east and back: workers as citizens in modern Shanghai’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 41 (2), Apr. 1999.

●386◆ 参看崔之元,《自由社会主义与中国的未来:小资产阶级宣言》, 2005。

●387◆ 见Terry Eagleton, Why Marx was Right, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011, pp.220-30。

●388◆ 引自Kevin Anderson, Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, p.159。

●389◆ 关于马克思与“小资产阶级社会主义”(及“封建社会主义”)的论争,参看Gareth Stedman Jones, An End to Poverty: A Historical Debate, Profile Books, 2004, 第1-3章。

●390◆ 参看Hardt, Michael Hardt, ‘Production of the common’, in Costas Douzinas and Slavoj Zizek, eds. The Idea of Communism, London: Verso, 2010。亦参考Francis Fukuyama, Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution, New York: Picador, 2003。

●391◆ 参看吕新雨,“乡村建设,民族国家与中国的现代化道路”,黄平编,《乡土中国与文化自觉》,北京:三联,2007;黄平,《未完成的叙说》,成都:四川人民出版社,1997; 温铁军,《三农问题与世纪反思》,北京:三联,2005;Lin Chun, “Participation and recognition: the transforming of (un)employment in China”, New Political Science 22:4, 2000 and林春,“为参与社会主义一辩”, 《领导者》 35, 2008。

●392◆ 吕新雨,“新乡土主义还是城市贫民窟?”, 《开放时代》4,2011。

●393◆ Philip Huang, “China’s new-age small farms and their vertical integration: agribusiness or co-ops?” Modern China 37: 2, 2011, pp.114, 127-8.

●394◆ 例如莫尔的马基雅维利命题:现代化的必要前提是“与过去产生革命性决裂”。见Barrington Moore,Social Origins;另见Theda Skocpol, State and Social Revolution: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 3。

●395◆ 参看马克思当年对新近被资本主义收编的政权转为反革命力量的担心,“To Engels”, 8 Oct 1858, in Collected Works, vol.40, p.345。

●396◆ Letter to the editorial board of The Otechestvenniye Zapiski [1877], Marx and Engels Selected Correspondence, (Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1956), pp.377-9.

●397◆ Alain Badiou, The Communist Hypothesis, London: Verso, 2010.

●398◆ Slavoj Zizek, “China’s valley of tears: is authoritarian capitalism the future”, In These Times, 3 December 2007.

●399◆ David Harvey, “Globalization and the ‘spatial fix’”, Geographische Revue, 2, 2001. Immanuel Walerstein, Unthinking Social Science: The Limits of Ninetheenth-Century Paradigms, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.121-4, 168. Samir Amin, Delinking: Toward a Polycentric World, London: Zed, 1990.

●400◆ Dirlik, After the Revolution, p.22.

●401◆ 引自Slavoj Zizek, “How to begin from the beginning”, New Left Review 57, May/June 2009, pp.44-5。

●402◆ Eric Hobsbawm, On History, p.242. 

Robert Wade,伦敦政治经济学院政治经济学教授,2008年列昂惕夫经济学奖获得者。本文是作者提交给《文化与社会转型:理论框架和中国语境》国际研讨会(2009年7月22-24日,浙江大学)的论文,曾在研讨会的第六段《本土与世界,历史与未来之间》宣读和讨论。会议文集(曹天予等编)即将由浙江大学出版社出版。