

[31a]As his illness is not restored,his heart is not good today.

[31b]As he has not recovered from his illness,he is in low mood today.

[a]句是按照汉语”由于他的病没有痊愈,今天心情不大好冶译过来的。且不说his heart is not good,当用recover,restore 和人搭配时,就是针对病来说的,因此illness 是多余的。


a)His English speaks good.

b)He speaks good English.[33]人们的生活离不开电视。

a)Now people蒺s life can蒺t leave TV.

b)Now it is impossible for people to live without TV.(or Now people cannot do without TV.)[34]出国读大学的中学生增加了。

a)School students who go abroad for higher education have increased.

b)The number of school students who go abroad for higher education has increased.

汉语能够省略“数量冶,英语increase 要和number 搭配,不能说people increase.



[35]It will cause you spend your time in waiting for nothing.[36]So,it causes much time are wasted.

[37]The fast economic growth causes people蒺s living condition has imrproved.

而cause 的正确用法如下:

[38]The cold weather might cause the plants to die.[39]Smoking can cause lung cancer.

[40]He caused his parents much unhappiness.

[41]He is always causing trouble for people.


[42]The job is fit me very much.

[43]They can fit for the position they get.[44]He fits many kinds of job.

而fit 的正确搭配应该是:

[45]The job doesn蒺t fit me.

[46]His experience fits him for the job.[47]This land is fit for heroes to live in.

学生中这类错误还有The sun shines us(the sun shines on us)、listen music(listen tomusic)等例子。


[48a]The traffic in many big cites is getting more and more crowded.[48b]The traffic in many big cities is getting more and more congested.

英语中traffic 在表达“拥挤冶、”繁忙冶是和busy,heavy,congested 搭配的,而不和crowded 搭配。只有在说“道路拥挤冶时,才说:the street is crowded(busy,congested)[49a]But the speed of a car is much faster than that of a bicycle.

[49b]But the speed of a car is much higher than that of a bicycle.(or But a car is much faster than a bicycle.)汉语可以讲”速度快慢冶,而英语没有这样的搭配,和speed 搭配的是high /low,只有直接说交通工具,才是fast /slow,如the airplane is fast /slow。还有在“价格贵贱冶表达上,中国学生出现类似的搭配错误:

[50a]Now the price of milk is so cheap that everyone can afford it.

[50b]Now the price of milk is so low that everyone can afford it.(or milk is so cheap that everyone can afford it.)[51a]I蒺m an old customer and I learn to complain nothing.[51b]I蒺m a regular customer and I learn to complain nothing.

同样是”老冶,英语中根据不同的描写对象是用不同的词。“老爷车冶是old /usedbicycles;而”老兵冶则应是an army veteran,而非an old soldier。还有汉语说“强硬的政策冶,英语是tough policy,而不是strong policy。

再如big,great 和large 的使用。英语中一般分别和具体事物、抽象事物或数量词搭配使用较多,但CLEC (中国英语学习者语料库)显示,中国学生作文中出现:a big cat、a big building、a big smile、a big noise、a big school、a big moon、a big river、a big bur鄄den、a big family、a big hope。而big 和smile、moon、noise、burden、hope 这样的搭配英语本族人不大会使用的。在LOB 语料库中,表示”大笑冶、“大声冶等最多的搭配是:broad smile、loud noise、full moon、heavy burden、best hope。CLEC 语料库还显示,中国学生使用large 搭配的词不仅有amount、sum、number、scale、population、还有money、costs、pro鄄gress、areas、school、mistake、part、improvement、country、attention、harm、knowledge、prac鄄tice、change、problem 等。但LOB 语料库表明,英语本族人使用large 是不与problem、improvement、knowledge、change、mistake、cost、practice 搭配的,他们只说major problem、marked improvement、extensive knowledge、dramatic change、serious mistake、high costs、a lot of practice。

这说明英语中有丰富的同义词,必须根据不同的对象有不同的搭配。汉语“落后冶,英语中大致有”backward冶和“lag behind冶与此对应,但是在表达”我得努力学习,要不就落后了冶时应该是:I should study hard.Otherwise I would lag behind.而不是I sould study hard,otherwise I would be backward。



有的词倾向于和具有消极语义特点的词搭配,而有的词吸引积极含义或中性涵义的词搭配。中国学生由于对词汇的语义韵了解不够,往往出现这方面的搭配错误。卫乃兴(2005)、孙海燕(2005)通过语料库专门论述了这个问题。如cause 这个词,汉语意义是“使发生、出现冶,似乎是个中性词,但英语cause 是个具有强烈消极意义的词,在COBUILD 语料库中和下面这些表示”疾病冶、“事故冶、”坏情绪冶等令人不快的词经常形成搭配(按搭配频率排列):problems、death、damage、concern、trouble、effect、cancer、harm、disease、pain、stress、anxiety、accident、chaos、symptoms、alarm、injury、havoc、irritation、illness、upset、crash、fire、distress、embarrassment、disruption、headaches、loss、discomfort、of鄄fence、difficulties、explosions、depression、suffering。

但在CLEC 即中国学习者英语语料库中,中国学生还出现下面这样的搭配:

cause changes、cause phenomena、cause things、cause result、cause questions、cause de鄄velopment、cause progress、cause improvement、cause the rise。

英语中的rather 主要和消极意义的词共现,而quite 常和积极意义的词搭配使用,但在CLEC 即中国学习者英语语料库中,中国学生在写作中出现rather proud (good,young,fresh,practical)和quite annoyed(nervous,wrong,serious,limited,difficult,com鄄mon)这样的本族语者不会用的搭配。


[52]Obviously the success in this field depends on our mutual cooperation.

汉语可以这样说“成功取决于我们互相之间的合作冶。而英语中的cooperation 已经包括了mutual 的意思,因此不能搭配使用。

[53]Therefore it becomes a compulsory duty for children to acquire more knowledgethan what they should at their age.(袁宏伟Why Are Children Oppressed 选自《中国大学生英语作文评改》P97)

compulsory duty 是汉语”一个必须的责任冶翻译过来的,但就英语来说,duty 就有compulsory 意思了。

[54]While others play I work throughout the entire summer vacation.

汉语说“全部整整一个暑假都在工作冶可以,但英语中的entire 就是throughout 的意思,两者不能搭配使用。下面一句也是这个问题:

[55]The nationwide physical fitness campaign should be extensively carried forward.如果说”全国性的冶就是“广泛性的冶,因此英语中nationwide 和extensively 是不同时使用的。

[56]This reform greatly fuelled the nation蒺s economy.改革大大地推动了国家的经济。

[57]Air pollution does more than affect our environment;it seriously cripples and greatly shortens the lives of human beings.大气污染严重损害了人的健康,大大缩短人的寿命。

这两句中文没有问题,但英语句子就是同义反复的搭配。fuel 和cripple 是不能用加强副词修饰的,因为这两个词本身就有程度很高的意义。