
第472章 The Horse And His Boy(62)

Shasta was pretending to lead but it was really Bree, who knew the way and kept guiding him by little nudges with his nose. They soon turned to the left and began going up a steep hill. It was much fresher and pleasanter, for the road was bordered by trees and there were houses only on the right side; on the other they looked out over the roofs of houses in the lower town and could see some way up the river. Then they went round a hairpin bend to their right and continued rising. They were zigzagging up to the centre of Tashbaan. Soon they came to finer streets. Great statues of the gods and heroes of Calormen.who are mostly impressive rather than agreeable to look at.rose on shining pedestals. Palm trees and pillared arcades cast shadows over the burning pavements. And through the arched gatewaysof many a palace Shasta caught sight of green branches, cool fountains, and smooth lawns. It must be nice inside, he thought.