
第41章 三重危机,以及美国领导的必要性(2)

Of course,much of that can only be done by governments and peoples in the poor countries themselves.But richer countries,too,have a vital part to play.They must meet agreed targets on aid,trade and debt relief.American leadership is essential here,too.

Now those are issues and questions I"d like to hear Americans ask candidates about,in this election year!

Unless we make those issues a priority now,we shall soon run out of time to achieve the Millennium Goals by 2015-which means that millions of people will die,prematurely an dunnecessarily,because we failed to act in time.

Finally,the third crisis-the crisis of prejudice and intolerance:We must not allow ourselves,out of fear or anger,to treat people whose faith or culture differs from ours as enemies.

We must not allow our selves to blame"Islam,"or to suspect all Muslims,because a small number of Muslims commit acts of violence and terror.

We must not allow anti-semitism to disguise itself as a reaction to Israeli government policies-any more than we should allow all questioning of those policies to be silenced with accusations of anti-Semitism.

And we must not allow Christians in the Muslim world to be treated as if their religion somehow made them a fifth column of western imperialism.

It is in times of fear and anger,even more than in times of peace and tranquility,that you need universal human rights,and a spirit of mutual respect.

This is a time when we must adhere to our global rule-book:a time when we must respect each other-as individuals,yes,but individuals who each have the right to define their own identity,and belong to the faith or culture of their choice.So those are the three great tests that our system faces,in these first years of the new century:the test of collective security;the test of solidarity between rich and poor;and the test of mutual respect between faiths and cultures.I know that we can pass those tests.

I know we can preserve and adapt,for the 21st century,a system that served us well in the second half of the 20th.

But we shall need that,once again,enlightened American leadership.

And so I say to the American graduates:Live up to your country"s best traditions of global commitment and global leadership.

L isten to t he a rg u ment s of t ho se from other nations,assess them on theirmerits,and remember that they also want what you want:the chance to live decent lives in dignity and safety.As Americans knew when they strongly supported the founding of the United Nations 60years ago,we all depend on each other.To the graduates from other countries,I say:Tell your fellow-citizens back home to look beyond facile stereotypes about this country.Whatever you may think of particular American policies,you have been here long enough to know the dynamism of American society,and the generosity of the American spirit.

To all I say:these are difficult times,but we can rise above them.We have much to be grateful for,much to be proud of,and much that we must keep safe,for future generations"sake.

Now is not the time to abandon our role-based international system.

Let us preserve it.Let us improve it.And let us pass it on-intact,and even stronger than ever!

To my fellow graduates of 2004,wherever you may be this afternoon,go out to the great big world and make a difference.

Thank you very much.
