
第68章 人生的回归是种无人能够违抗的自然规律(2)

1.2 作者人生

1.2 The writer’s life



Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, U.S.A on June 21, 1899, the son of a doctor and a musicteacher. Although he was never a very“popular”boy at school, he quickly demonstrated his ability towrite accurately and well, and became the editor of his school paper. That he got the job was a tribute to hisskill rather than his social success, for either through choice or nature (and perhaps a combination of both)he was never a member of the“in”crowd. Indeed, his school experience was often lonely and not alwayspleasant, but it did provide one lesson that Hemingway was never to forget: life is a hard contest which onlythe toughminded are likely to survive. Certain aspects of Hemingway’s life at this time reflected his growingrestlessness. He determined, for example, to learn boxing, but was by no means a“natural”fighter; indeed,he achieved some mastery of boxing only at the cost of a broken nose and a serious eye injury. He actuallyran away from home twice during his school years, and spent months“on the road”working at a variety oftemporary and often laborious jobs.


Hemingway graduated from high school at seventeen and tried to enlist and fight Germany during WorldWar I, but was rejected because of his eye injury. He had to work for a few months as a cub reporter on theKansas City Star. But it was impossible for Hemingway to remain in Kansas City while thousands of otherAmericans were going off to earn their“red badge of courage”in battle and adventure. He volunteered toserve as an ambulance driver on the Italian front, and left this country with high expectations: if he could notbe a soldier, he would nevertheless taste the bitter glory of war. It was a very brief taste indeed, and far morebitter than glorious. For, only a few weeks after arriving in the combat zone, i.e. before his 18th birthday,Ernest Hemingway was“blown up”by an Austrian stray shell, receiving a serious wound which was toleave scars on his mind and spirit no less than on his body. It was, in many ways, an absurd wound, and onethat had very little to do with“soldiering”at all: the mortar had punctured Hemingway’s body with littlebits of metal without even being aware of his existence. At the time of his wound, furthermore, he had beenengaged in an activity which (under the circumstances) was rather ludicrous: he had been“blown up”whilehanding out chocolates to Italian soldiers.

如果说受伤给海明威心灵上造成了致命的创伤,如果说这种创伤把海明威对军人荣誉的追求变成了由暴力突然造成的一个悲惨结局,那么这个结局似乎就成了海明威决意去过一种 根据他的才能和意愿而形成的放荡不羁生活的原因。19岁回到美国以后,海明威成了《多伦多每日之星》和《多伦多之星周刊》的作者,这时,他发现自己陷入了文人圈子,其中最重要的人物是舍伍德·安德森。1921年与哈德莉·理查森结婚后,海明威作为《多伦多明星日报》驻外记者和他妻子移居巴黎。这时,他游遍了整个欧洲,渐渐对西班牙、瑞士、奥地利和法国都有了认识,并且爱上了这些国家。同时,他继续做记者的工作,而且喜欢上了这种颇能激发感情的工作。23岁时,他采访并报道了希土战争。到了25岁的时候,他已经见过劳埃德·乔治、克列孟梭和墨索里尼这些世界知名的人物了。报道了这场战争后,经舍伍德·安德森介绍,海明威去巴黎与格特鲁德·斯泰因了面。此人自称是美国文学界侨居海外的“伟大女性”。这个时期,海明威努力认真写作,但由于结了婚,麻烦事也多了:哈德莉怀孕了,想要回家。但海明威却觉得,巴黎才是他的“家”,老婆孩子都是“累赘”,最重要的是他的文学创作。他的小说开始出现在先锋派和一些流行的刊物上(包括《泛大西洋评论》)。1923年,他出版了《三个故事和十首诗》。1924年,他的《我们的时代——无标题的简短评论》在巴黎出版了。翌年,《尼克·亚当斯故事集》在美国出版,1926年他出版了《春潮》。欧内斯特·海明威的文学生涯终于走上了正轨,再没有任何东西能够阻挡他了。

If his wound left vitally important scars on Hemingway’s spirit, however, and if it brought his searchfor military glory to a violent and sudden end, it also seemed to sharpen his determination to live life as fullyas he could, and to shape it according to his own talent and will. After returning to the United Sates at theage of nineteen, Hemingway became a writer for the Toronto Star and Toronto Weekly, and found himselfinvolved with many literary people, the most important of whom was Sherwood Anderson. After his marriageto Hadley Richardson in 1921, Hemingway and his wife moved to Paris, where he served as a correspondentfor the Toronto Daily Star. This time he traveled widely throughout the continent, getting to know and loveSpain, Switzerland, Austria, and France. Meanwhile, he continued his work as a journalist, and enjoyed arather sensational career in this respect; at the age of 23 he covered the Greek-Turkish war, and by the timehe was 25 he had interviewed such world-famous figures as Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Mussolini.

After covering the war Hemingway went to Paris with an introduction from Sherwood Anderson and metGertrude Stein, the grande dame of American literary expatriation. He was seriously trying to write at thistime, but all was not going well with his marriage: Hadley was pregnant and wanted to return home. ForErnest Hemingway, however, Paris was“home”, and nothing—not even his wife and impending family—was more important than his literary work. His stories had begun appearing in avant-garde and popularmagazines (including Atlantic Monthly), and in 1923 he published Three Stories and Ten Poems. In 1924In Our Time—a series of 32 fragments—was published in Paris. The Collection of Nick Adams Stories waspublished under the same title in the United States the following year, and The Torrents of Spring appearedin 1926. The literary career of Ernest Hemingway was underway at last, and nothing would be allowed to stopit.


In the early 1920s, Hemingway began to achieve fame as a chronicler of the disaffection felt by manyAmerican youth after World War I—a generation of youth whom Stein memorably dubbed the“LostGeneration”. His novels The Sun Also Rises (1926) and A Farewell to Arms (1929) established him as adominant literary voice of his time. His spare, charged style of writing was revolutionary at the time and wouldbe imitated, for better or for worse, by generations of aspiring young writers to come.


Hemingway’s personal life, however, was chaotic despite his literary success. A divorce ended hismarriage to Hadley in 1927, and Hemingway—who never remained unmarried for long—wed PaulinePfeiffer, an editor of Vogue, the same year. But it was in 1928 that Hemingway suffered an emotional shockrivaled only by the initial impact of the war: the suicide of his father, of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Latein 1928 Hemingway left Europe and took up residence at Key West, Florida, where Patrick Hemingway wasborn in 1929 and Gregory in 1932. Hemingway, of course, was not one to stay put for long—not even in hislovely Key West home. He traveled extensively, especially in Africa, and one result of his journeying was TheGreen Hills of Africa, which appeared in 1935. With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, however,Hemingway entered the arena of international politics. In 1937 he served in Spain as a correspondent forthe North American Newspaper Alliance—service which was to solidify his hatred of the Fascist war-machine. Hemingway divorced Pauline Pfeiffer following his return from covering the Spanish Civil War,after which he wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls and completed it in 1940. In the same year, he and Paulinefirst separated and then divorced. He promptly married the writer Martha Gelhorn, and in 1940 began newtravels with his new wife; after visiting China, they settled in Cuba. When World War II erupted, Hemingwayleaped into the fray in his own manner. After editing Men at War in 1942, he served as a war correspondent,accompanying American troops as they pushed the German forces back across western Europe. Meanwhile,however, Hemingway had by no means retired from active working and living. Divorced from Martha in 1944,he immediately married Mary Walsh, a Time Magazine correspondent. His novel Across the River and Intothe Trees, published in 1950, met with much critical disapproval. This negative critical response infuriatedHemingway; The Old Man and the Sea, which appeared in 1952, was seen by some readers as an attack onthe critical“sharks”themselves.

《老人与海》出版后,海明威去了东非旅游考察。在1954 年一次飞机坠毁事件中差一点丧失性命,给身体造成了严重的伤痛,使他的后半生被病痛折磨。1930年至1940年,海明威在佛罗里达州的基伟斯特和古巴常住,1959年,他从古巴搬到爱达荷州。养了一段时间病之后,在1961年,在爱达荷州的凯彻姆——他那么喜爱的山峦起伏的乡间,海明威开枪自杀了。海明威,一个一贯信奉“活着,则应勇敢地活下去”的硬汉,是个真正的作家,写作就是他的生命。当他不能继续写作时,生命就失去了意义。这就是为什么他选择结束生命的原因。仅是肉体的病痛决不足以击倒他。他一直工作到生命的最后一刻,留下了许多没有发表的手稿,留给玛丽保管。1963年,他去世后的作品——也是他的最畅销书——20年代巴黎回忆录《流动的宴会》面世了。其他手稿仍未发表,世人至今也还没有听到欧内斯特·海明威的最后声音——不论他是不是美国文学史上的“斗士”,他都是用自己的语言和其他语言进行斗争的一位最重要的作家。

After the publication of The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway went on safari to Africa, where he wasalmost killed in a plane crash that left him in pain or ill-health for much of the rest of his life. Hemingwayhad permanent residences in Key West, Florida, and Cuba during the 1930s and 40s, but in 1959 he movedfrom Cuba to Idaho. After a period of illness, he met his death as the victim of a“self-inflicted gunshotwound”in 1961, at Ketchum, Idaho, in the rugged country he loved so well. Hemingway, a man who believedto live under pressure, is a true writer, writing is his life. When he could not continue to go on writing, lifewas meaningless. This must have been the reason why he chose to end his life. He could not be defeatedonly by his ill-health or physical pain. But he had been working up until the end, leaving many unpublishedmanus to the care of Mary; and in 1963 there appeared his posthumous—and best-selling—memoir ofParis in the twenties:A Moveable Feast. Other manus remain unpublished, and the world has not yetheard the last from Ernest Hemingway, who—whether or not“The Champ”of American Literature—was amajor contender in his own or any other language.


Hemingway’s fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity thatreverberated with his audience. Many of his works are classics of American literature. He published sevennovels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works during his lifetime, with a further three novels,four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works published after his death. He is probably themost widely imitated American writer (novelist and short-story writer) of the twentieth century. His subjectmatter, attitude, and style have much influence on other writers. He is read by billions of people in the world,at the same time understood by millions at least. There are more copies of Hemingway’s novels than any otherbook in the world except the Christian Bible. He is translated into 136 different languages. His work speaksto the essential humanity of individual human beings of all cultures and all races.



A Farewell to Arms is in many ways the key novel of Ernest Hemingway’s career, a career affecteddeeply by the author’s experiences in World War I. It deals directly with the futile butchery of mass,technological warfare—the“circus of death”which produced 10 million corpses and seemed, to youngwriters like Hemingway, final proof of the bankruptcy of Western Civilization.“I was always embarrassedby the words sacred, glorious, and sacrifice, and the expression in vain,”remarks Frederic Henry,the“Hemingway Hew”in A Farewell to Arms: ...I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that wereglorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with themeat except to bury it.”After editing Men at War in 1942, Hemingway served as a war correspondent,accompanying American troops as they pushed the German forces back across western Europe. Butit was Hemingway’s last war adventure. The increasing complexity of ideological warfare and“policeactions”against Communism eliminated war itself as an aesthetic resource for Hemingway; not untilhe left war and politics altogether, and took to Santiago’s small boat on the open sea, did Hemingwayproduce another major work of fiction—a work which focused on the individual, alone and without“socialmachinery”, for its meaning and strength.


Hemingway offers resources of human strength, and the hope for individual value. His“code”givesmeaning to a world where love and religion are defunct, and where the proofs of manhood are difficult andscarce and where every man must learn to define his own moral conditions and live up to them. He lovestravel all his life—he has traveled widely throughout the European continent, many parts of Africa, manystates of his motherland, after visiting China, they once settled in Cuba. His years of experience fishing theGulf Stream and the Caribbean provided an essential background for the vivid deions of the fisherman’scraft in The Old Man and the Sea. He also loves nature and likes hunting and fishing. As a young boy in theMichigan north woods, deeply influenced by the example and the philosophy of his father, Hemingway hadlearned to respect the strength and power of the individual creature—man or animal—alone with his owndeath. He had learned to respect courage and control, the“right way”of doing things, whether of fishing fortrout or killing game, and had gone to war at the age of 19 expecting an exercise in manhood—an exercise inwhich the“right way”would be transferred to an orderly pattern of military form.


That Hemingway’s work has limitations is obvious enough, and it is unfortunate that efforts to definethese limitations have often aroused passions which have nothing to do with the work itself. Hemingway couldtolerate little criticism.


Too often he reacted to challenges either with denunciation or sulking, and questioned the motives,not to mention the manhood, of those who actually cared enough about his work to read it instead of merelypraising it. Unleavened by self-perspective or self-humor, the mannerisms had become the substance.