
第5章 文学与人生的关系

Section Four The Relation Between Literature and Life


Literature is the reflection of human life while human life is the root of literature. It is human life thatmakes up literature, whereas literature serves human life in return. Literature stands related to human life asman stands to man’s own shadow. Literature is the essence of Life, or to be more exact, literature is the re-presentation of life. Re-presentation includes selection of material and artistic improvement.


In the last analysis, what is the source of all literature and art? Works of literature and art, as ideologicalforms, are products of the reflection in the human brain of the life of a given society. The life of the peopleis always a mine of the raw materials for literature and art, materials in their natural form, materials that arecrude, but most vital, rich and fundamental; they make all literature and art seem pallid by comparison; theyprovide literature and art with an inexhaustible source, their only source.


Although man’s social life is the only source of literature and art and is incomparably livelier and richerin content, people are not satisfied with life alone and demand literature and art as well. Why? Because, whileboth are beautiful, life as reflected in works of literature and art can and ought to be on a higher plane, moreintense, more concentrated, more typical, nearer the ideal, and therefore more universal than actual everydaylife.


Generally speaking, the more universal or general a literary work is, both in its sources and in itsapplication, the greater is the value of that literary work and the better is its influence.


The best literary work, then, contains the greatest amount of the most significant and interesting part(or kind) of life, and that has been treated by the most perfect art, giving thereby a powerful and fascinatingimpression of truth and beauty, making the readers edified (instructed) and amused at the same time.