书城公版Jack and Jill

第45章 Jack Has a Mystery(2)

"I won't tell this.It would be mean."

"Wait and see;I can get anything out of you if I try";and Jill laughed,knowing her power well,for Jack found it very hard to keep a secret from her.

"Don't try;please don't!It wouldn't be right,and you don't want to make me do a dishonorable thing for your sake,I know."Jack looked so distressed that Jill promised not to make him tell,though she held herself free to find out in other ways,if she could.

Thus relieved,Jack trudged off to school on Friday with the two dollars and seventy-five cents jingling in his pocket,though the dear gold coin had to be sacrificed to make up the sum.He did his lessons badly that day,was late at recess in the afternoon,and,as soon as school was over,departed in his rubber boots "to take a walk,"he said,though the roads were in a bad state with a spring thaw.Nothing was seen of him till after tea-time,when he came limping in,very dirty and tired,but with a reposeful expression,which betrayed that a load was off his mind.Frank was busy about his own affairs and paid little attention to him,but Jill was on tenter-hooks to know where he had been,yet dared not ask the question.

"Merry's brother wants some cards.He liked hers so much he wishes to make his lady-love a present.Here's the name";and Jill held up the order from Harry Grant,who was to be married in the autumn.

"Must wait till next week.I'm too tired to do a thing to-night,and I hate the sight of that old press,"answered Jack,laying himself down upon the rug as if every joint ached.

"What made you take such a long walk?You look as tired as if you'd been ten miles,"said Jill,hoping to discover the length of the trip.

"Had to.Four or five miles isn't much,only my leg bothered me";and Jack gave the ailing member a slap,as if he had found it much in his way that day;for,though he had given up the crutches long ago,he rather missed their support sometimes.Then,with a great yawn,he stretched himself out to bask in the blaze,pillowing his head on his arms.

"Dear old thing,he looks all used up;I won't plague him with talking";and Jill began to sing,as she often did in the twilight.

By the time the first song ended a gentle snore was heard,and Jack lay fast asleep,worn out with the busy week and the walk,which had been longer and harder than anyone guessed.Jill took up her knitting and worked quietly by firelight,still wondering and guessing what the secret could be;for she had not much to amuse her,and little things were very interesting if connected with her friends.Presently Jack rolled over and began to mutter in his sleep,as he often did when too weary for sound slumber.Jill paid no attention till he uttered a name which made her prick up her ears and listen to the hroken sentences which followed.Only a few words,but she dropped her work,saying to herself,"I do believe he is talking about the secret.Now I shall find out,and he will tell me himself,as I said he would."Much pleased,she leaned and listened,but could make no sense of the confused babble about "heavy boots";"All right,old fellow";"Jerry's off";and "The ink is too thick."

The slam of the front door woke Jack,and he pulled himself up,declaring that he believed he had been having a nap.

"I wish you'd have another,"said Jill,greatly disappointed at the loss of the intelligence she seemed to be so near getting.

"Floor is too hard for tired bones.Guess I'll go to bed and get rested up for Monday.I've worked like fury this week,so next I'm going in for fun";and,little dreaming what hard times were in store for him,Jack went off to enjoy his warm bath and welcome bed,where he was soon sleeping with the serene look of one whose dreams were happy,whose conscience was at rest.

"I have a few words to say to you before you go,"said Mr.Acton,pausing with his hand on the bell,Monday afternoon,when the hour came for dismissing school.

The bustle of putting away books and preparing for as rapid a departure as propriety allowed,subsided suddenly,and the boys and girls sat as still as mice,while the hearts of such as had been guilty of any small sins began to beat fast.

"You remember that we had some trouble last winter about keeping the boys away from the saloon,and that a rule was made forbidding any pupil to go to town during recess?"began Mr.

Acton,who,being a conscientious man as well as an excellent teacher,felt that he was responsible for the children in school hours,and did his best to aid parents in guarding them from the few temptations which beset them in a country town.A certain attractive little shop,where confectionery,baseballs,stationery,and picture papers were sold,was a favorite loafing place for some of the boys till the rule forbidding it was made,because in the rear of the shop was a beer and billiard saloon.A wise rule,for the picture papers were not always of the best sort;cigars were to be had;idle fellows hung about there,and some of the lads,who wanted to be thought manly,ventured to pass the green baize door "just to look on."A murmur answered the teacher's question,and he continued,"You all know that the rule was broken several times,and I told you the next offender would be publicly reprimanded,as private punishments had no effect.I am sorry to say that the time has come,and the offender is a boy whom I trusted entirely.It grieves me to do this,but I must keep my promise,and hope the example will have a good effect."Mr.Acton paused,as if he found it hard to go on,and the boys looked at one another with inquiring eyes,for their teacher seldom punished,and when he did,it was a very solemn thing.Several of these anxious glances fell upon Joe,who was very red and sat whittling a pencil as if he dared not lift his eyes.

"He's the chap.Won't he catch it?"whispered Gus to Frank,for both owed him a grudge.

"The boy who broke the rule last Friday,at afternoon recess,will come to the desk,"said Mr.Acton in his most impressive manner.