

When the subscriptions were collected,they were found so great in amount,that the committee resolved to present Jasmin with a crown of gold.Five hundred years before,Petrarch had been crowned at Rome in the name of Italy,and now Jasmin was to be crowned at Agen,in the name of Meridional France.To crown a man,who,during his lifetime had been engaged in the trade of barber and hair-dresser,seemed something extraordinary and unique.To the cold-blooded people of the North there might appear something theatrical in such a demonstration,but it was quite in keeping with the warm-hearted children of the South.

The construction of the crown was entrusted to MM.Fannieres of Paris,the best workers of gold in France.They put their best art and skill into the crown.It consisted of two branches of laurel in dead gold,large and knotted behind,like the crowns of the Caesars and the poets,with a ruby,artistically arranged,containing the simple device:La Ville d'Agen,a Jasmin!The pendants of the laurel,in dead silver,were mixed with the foliage.The style of the work was severe and pure,and the effect of the chef d'oeuvre was admirable.

The public meeting,at which the golden crown was presented to Jasmin,was held on the 27th of November,1856,in the large hall of the Great Seminary.Gilt banners were hung round the walls,containing the titles of Jasmin's principal poems,while the platform was splendidly decorated with emblems and festoons of flowers.Although the great hall was of large dimensions,it could not contain half the number of people who desired to be present on this grand occasion.

An immense crowd assembled in the streets adjoining the seminary.

Jasmin,on his arrival,was received with a triple salvo of applause from the crowd without,and next from the assembly within.On the platform were the members of the subscription committee,the prefect,the Bishop of Agen,the chiefs of the local government,the general in command of the district,and a large number of officers and ecclesiastics.

Jasmin,when taking his place on the platform saluted the audience with one of his brilliant impromptus,and proceeded to recite some of his favourite poems:Charity;The Doctor of the Poor;Town and Country;and,The Week's Work of a Son.Then M.

Noubel,in his double capacity of deputy for the department,and member of the subscription committee,addressed Jasmin in the following words:

"Poet,I appear here in the name of the people of Agen,to offer you the testimony of their admiration and profound sympathy.

I ask you to accept this crown!It is given you by a loving and hearty friend,in the name of your native town of Agen,which your poetry has charmed,which rejoices in your present success,and is proud of the glory of your genius.Agen welcomed the first germs of your talent;she has seen it growing,and increasing your fame;she has entered with you into the palaces of kings;she has associated herself with your triumphs throughout;now the hour of recognising your merits has arrived,and she honours herself in crowning you.

"But it is not merely the Poet whom we recognise to-day;you have a much greater claim to our homage.In an age in which egoism and the eager thirst for riches prevails,you have,in the noble work which you have performed,displayed the virtues of benevolence and self-sacrifice.You yourself have put them into practice.Ardent in the work of charity,you have gone wherever misery and poverty had to be relieved,and all that you yourself have received was merely the blessings of the unfortunate.Each of your days has been celebrated for its good works,and your whole life has been a hymn to benevolence and charity.

"Accept,then,Jasmin,this crown!Great poet,good citizen,you have nobly earned it!Give it an honoured place in that glorious museum of yours,which the towns and cities of the South have enriched by their gifts.May it remain there in testimony of your poetical triumphs,and attest the welcome recognition of your merits by your fellow-citizens.

"For myself,I cannot but be proud of the mission which has been entrusted to me.I only owe it,I know,to the position of deputy in which you have placed me by popular election.I am proud,nevertheless,of having the honour of crowning you,and Ishall ever regard this event as the most glorious recollection of my life."After this address,during which M.Noubel was greatly moved,he took the crown of gold and placed it on the head of the poet.

It is impossible to describe the enthusiasm of the meeting at this supreme moment.The people were almost beside themselves.

Their exclamations of sympathy and applause were almost frantic.

Jasmin wept with happiness.After the emotion hard subsided,with his eyes full of tears,he recited his piece of poetry entitled:The Crown of my Birthplace.[2]

In this poem,Jasmin took occasion to recite the state of poverty in which he was born,yet with the star of poetry in his breast;his dear mother,and her anxieties about his education and up-bringing;his growth;his first efforts in poetical composition,and his final triumph;and at last his crown of gold conferred upon him by the people of Agen--the crown of his birthplace.

"I feel that if my birthplace crowns me,In place of singing .I should weep!"After Jasmin had recited his touching poem,he affectionately took leave of his friends,and the assembly dispersed.

Footnotes to Chapter XVIII.

[1]There is a Gascon proverb which says:

"Qu'a vingt ans nouns po,Qu'a trent ans noun sa,Qu'a cranto noun er,Qu'a cincanto se paouso pa,Sabe pa que pot esper.""Who at twenty does nothing;

Who at thirty knows nothing;

Who at forty has nothing;

Who at fifty changes nothing:

For him there is no hope."

[2]Perhaps this might be better rendered "The Crown of my Infancy;"in Gascon,"La Courouno del Bres."