书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches

第90章 VON RANKE(10)

The history of the two succeeding generations is the history of the struggle between Protestantism possessed of the North of Europe, and Catholicism possessed of the South, for the doubtful territory which lay between.All the weapons of carnal and of spiritual warfare were employed.Both sides may boast of great talents and of great virtues.Both have to blush for many follies and crimes.At first, the chances seemed to be decidedly in favour of Protestantism; but the victory remained with the Church of Rome.On every point she was successful.If we overleap, another half century, we find her victorious and dominant in France, Belgium, Bavaria, Bohemia, Austria, Poland, and Hungary.

Nor has Protestantism, in the course of two hundred years, been able to reconquer any portion of what was then lost.

It is, moreover, not to be dissembled that this triumph of the Papacy is to be chiefly attributed, not to the force of arms, but to a great reflux in public opinion.During the first half century after the commencement of the Reformation, the current of feeling, in the countries on this side of the Alps and of the Pyrenees, ran impetuously towards the new doctrines.Then the tide turned, and rushed as fiercely in the opposite direction.

Neither during the one period, nor during the other, did much depend upon the event of battles or sieges.The Protestant movement was hardly checked for an instant by the defeat at Muhlberg.The Catholic reaction went on at full speed in spite of the destruction of the Armada.It is difficult to say whether the violence of the first blow or of the recoil was the greater.

Fifty years after the Lutheran separation, Catholicism could scarcely maintain itself on the shores of the Mediterranean.Ahundred years after the separation, Protestantism could scarcely maintain itself on the shores of the Baltic.The causes of this memorable turn in human affairs well deserve to be investigated.

The contest between the two parties bore some resemblance to the fencing-match in Shakspeare; "Laertes wounds Hamlet; then, in scuffling, they change rapiers, and Hamlet wounds Laertes." The war between Luther and Leo was a war between firm faith and unbelief, between zeal and apathy, between energy and indolence, between seriousness and frivolity, between a pure morality and vice.Very different was the war which degenerate Protestantism had to wage against regenerate Catholicism.To the debauchees, the poisoners, the atheists, who had worn the tiara during the generation which preceded the Reformation, had succeeded Popes who, in religious fervour and severe sanctity of manners, might bear a comparison with Cyprian or Ambrose.The order of Jesuits alone could show many men not inferior in sincerity, constancy, courage, and austerity of life, to the apostles of the Reformation.But while danger had thus called forth in the bosom of the Church of Rome many of the highest qualities of the Reformers, the Reformers had contracted some of the corruptions which had been justly censured in the Church of Rome.They had become lukewarm and worldly.Their great old leaders had been borne to the grave, and had left no successors.Among the Protestant princes there was little or no hearty Protestant feeling.Elizabeth herself was a Protestant rather from policy than from firm conviction.James the First, in order to effect his favourite object of marrying his son into one of the great continental houses, was ready to make immense concessions to Rome, and even to admit a modified primacy in the Pope.Henry the Fourth twice abjured the reformed doctrines from interested motives.The Elector of Saxony, the natural head Of the Protestant party in Germany, submitted to become, at the most important crisis of the struggle, a tool in the hands of the Papists.Among the Catholic sovereigns, on the other hand, we find a religious zeal often amounting to fanaticism.Philip the Second was a Papist in a very different sense from that in which Elizabeth was a Protestant.Maximilian of Bavaria, brought up under the teaching of the Jesuits, was a fervent missionary wielding the powers of a prince.The Emperor Ferdinand the Second deliberately put his throne to hazard over and over again, rather than make the smallest concession to the spirit of religious innovation.Sigismund of Sweden lost a crown which he might have preserved if he would have renounced the Catholic faith.In short, everywhere on the Protestant side we see languor;everywhere on the Catholic side we see ardour and devotion.

Not only was there, at this time, a much more intense zeal among the Catholics than among the Protestants; but the whole zeal of the Catholics was directed against the Protestants, while almost the whole zeal of the Protestants was directed against each other.Within the Catholic Church there were no serious disputes on points of doctrine.The decisions of the Council of Trent were received; and the Jansenian controversy had not yet arisen.The whole force of Rome was, therefore, effective for the purpose of carrying on the war against the Reformation.On the other hand, the force which ought to have fought the battle of the Reformation was exhausted in civil conflict.While Jesuit preachers, Jesuit confessors, Jesuit teachers of youth, overspread Europe, eager to expend every faculty of their minds and every drop of their blood in the cause of their Church, Protestant doctors were confuting, and Protestant rulers were punishing, sectaries who were just as good Protestants as themselves.

"Cumque superba foret BABYLON spolianda tropaeis, Bella geri placuit nullos habitura triumphos."In the Palatinate, a Calvinistic prince persecuted the Lutherans.