书城公版The Malay Archipelago


On one side of the cottage there was a verandah, looking down the whole side of the mountain and to its summit on the right, all densely clothed with forest. The boarded sides of the cottage were whitewashed, and the roof of the verandah was low, and also boarded and whitewashed. As soon as it got dark I placed my lamp on a table against the wall, and with pins, insect-forceps, net, and collecting-boxes by my side, sat down with a book. Sometimes during the whole evening only one solitary moth would visit me, while on other nights they would pour in, in a continual stream, keeping me hard at work catching and pinning till past midnight.

They came literally by the thousands. These good nights were very few. During the four weeks that I spent altogether on the hill Ionly had four really good nights, and these were always rainy, and the best of them soaking wet. But wet nights were not always good, for a rainy moonlight night produced next to nothing. All the chief tribes of moths were represented, and the beauty and variety of the species was very great. On good nights I was able to capture from a hundred to two hundred and fifty moths, and these comprised on each occasion from half to two-thirds that number of distinct species. Some of them would settle on the wall, some on the table, while many would fly up to the roof and give me a chase all over the verandah before I could secure them. In order to show the curious connection between the state of weather and the degree in which moths were attracted to light, I add a list of my captures each night of my stay on the hill.

Date (1855) No. of Moths Remarks Dec. 13th 1 Fine; starlight.

14th 75 Drizzly and fog.

15th 41 Showery; cloudy.

16th 158 (120 species.) Steady rain.

17th 82 Wet; rather moonlight.

18th 9 Fine; moonlight.

19th 2 Fine; clear moonlight.

31st 200 (130 species.) Dark and windy;heavy rain.

Date (1856)

Jan. 1st 185 Very wet.

2d 68 Cloudy and showers.

3d 50 Cloudy.

4th 12 Fine.

5th 10 Fine.

6th 8 Very fine.

7th 8 Very fine.

8th 10 Fine.

9th 36 Showery.

10th 30 Showery.

11th 260 Heavy rain all night, and dark.

12th 56 Showery.

13th 44 Showery; some moonlight.

14th 4 Fine; moonlight.

15th 24 Rain; moonlight.

16th 6 Showers; moonlight.

17th 6 Showers; moonlight.

18th 1 Showers; moonlight.

Total 1,386

It thus appears that on twenty-six nights I collected 1,386moths, but that more than 800 of them were collected on four very wet and dark nights. My success here led me to hope that, by similar arrangements, I might on every island be able to obtain an abundance of these insects; but, strange to say, during the six succeeding years, I was never once able to make any collections at all approaching those at Sarawak. The reason for this I can pretty well understand to be owing to the absence of some one or other essential condition that were here all combined. Sometimes the dry season was the hindrance; more frequently residence in a town or village not close to virgin forest, and surrounded by other houses whose lights were a counter-attraction; still more frequently residence in a dark palm-thatched house, with a lofty roof, in whose recesses every moth was lost the instant it entered. This last was the greatest drawback, and the real reason why I never again was able to make a collection of moths; for Inever afterwards lived in a solitary jungle-house with a low boarded and whitewashed verandah, so constructed as to prevent insects at once escaping into the upper part of the house, quite out of reach.

After my long experience, my numerous failures, and my one success, I feel sure that if any party of naturalists ever make a yacht-voyage to explore the Malayan Archipelago, or any other tropical region, making entomology one of their chief pursuits, it would well repay them to carry a small framed verandah, or a verandah-shaped tent of white canvas, to set up in every favourable situation, as a means of making a collection of nocturnal Lepidoptera, and also of obtaining rare specimens of Coleoptera and other insects. I make the suggestion here, because no one would suspect the enormous difference in results that such an apparatus would produce; and because I consider it one of the curiosities of a collector's experience, to have found out that some such apparatus is required.

When I returned to Singapore I took with me the Malay lad named Ali, who subsequently accompanied me all over the Archipelago.

Charles Allen preferred staying at the Mission-house, and afterwards obtained employment in Sarawak and in Singapore, until he again joined me four years later at Amboyna in the Moluccas.