

'Days and weeks passed by.I had once been cheerful,and fond of the society of children of my own age;but I was now reserved and gloomy.It seemed to me that a gulf separated me from all my fellow-creatures.I used to look at my brothers and schoolfellows,and think how different I was from them;they had not done what I had.I seemed,in my own eyes,a lone monstrous being,and yet,strange to say,I felt a kind of pride in being so.I was unhappy,but I frequently thought to myself,I have done what no one else would dare to do;there was something grand in the idea;I had yet to learn the horror of my condition.

'Time passed on,and I began to think less of what I had done;I began once more to take pleasure in my childish sports;I was active,and excelled at football and the like all the lads of my age.I likewise began,what I had never done before,to take pleasure in the exercises of the school.I made great progress in Welsh and English grammar,and learnt to construe Latin.My master no longer chid or beat me,but one day told my father that he had no doubt that one day I should be an honour to Wales.

'Shortly after this my father fell sick;the progress of the disorder was rapid;feeling his end approaching,he called his children before him.After tenderly embracing us,he said "God bless you,my children,I am going from you,but take comfort,I trust that we shall all meet again in heaven.'

'As he uttered these last words,horror took entire possession of me.Meet my father in heaven,-how could I ever hope to meet him there?I looked wildly at my brethren and at my mother;they were all bathed in tears,but how I envied them.They might hope to meet my father in heaven,but how different were they from me,they had never committed the unpardonable sin.

'In a few days my father died;he left his family in comfortable circumstances,at least such as would be considered so in Wales,where the wants of the people are few.My elder brother carried on the farm for the benefit of my mother and us all.In course of time my brothers were put out to various trades.I still remained at school,but without being a source of expense to my relations,as I was by this time able to assist my master in the business of the school.

'I was diligent both in self-improvement and in the instruction of others;nevertheless,a horrible weight pressed upon my breast;I knew I was a lost being;that for me there was no hope;that,though all others might be saved,I must of necessity be lost;I had committed the unpardonable sin,for which I was doomed to eternal punishment,in the flaming gulf,as soon as life was over!

-and how long could I hope to live?perhaps fifty years;at the end of which I must go to my place;and then I would count the months and the days,nay,even the hours,which yet intervened between me and my doom.Sometimes I would comfort myself with the idea that a long time would elapse before my time would be out;but then again I thought that,however long the term might be,it must be out at last;and then I would fall into an agony,during which I would almost wish that the term were out,and that I were in my place;the horrors of which I thought could scarcely be worse than what I then endured.