书城公版Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices


The third occasion on which Thomas found reason to reproach himself bitterly for the mistake of having attempted to be industrious,was connected with his choice of a calling in life.Having no interest in the Church,he appropriately selected the next best profession for a lazy man in England -the Bar.Although the Benchers of the Inns of Court have lately abandoned their good old principles,and oblige their students to make some show of studying,in Mr.Idle's time no such innovation as this existed.Young men who aspired to the honourable title of barrister were,very properly,not asked to learn anything of the law,but were merely required to eat a certain number of dinners at the table of their Hall,and to pay a certain sum of money;and were called to the Bar as soon as they could prove that they had sufficiently complied with these extremely sensible regulations.Never did Thomas move more harmoniously in concert with his elders and betters than when he was qualifying himself for admission among the barristers of his native country.Never did he feel more deeply what real laziness was in all the serene majesty of its nature,than on the memorable day when he was called to the Bar,after having carefully abstained from opening his law-books during his period of probation,except to fall asleep over them.How he could ever again have become industrious,even for the shortest period,after that great reward conferred upon his idleness,quite passes his comprehension.The kind Benchers did everything they could to show him the folly of exerting himself.They wrote out his probationary exercise for him,and never expected him even to take the trouble of reading it through when it was written.They invited him,with seven other choice spirits as lazy as himself,to come and be called to the Bar,while they were sitting over their wine and fruit after dinner.They put his oaths of allegiance,and his dreadful official denunciations of the Pope and the Pretender,so gently into his mouth,that he hardly knew how the words got there.They wheeled all their chairs softly round from the table,and sat surveying the young barristers with their backs to their bottles,rather than stand up,or adjourn to hear the exercises read.And when Mr.Idle and the seven unlabouring neophytes,ranged in order,as a class,with their backs considerately placed against a screen,had begun,in rotation,to read the exercises which they had not written,even then,each Bencher,true to the great lazy principle of the whole proceeding,stopped each neophyte before he had stammered through his first line,and bowed to him,and told him politely that he was a barrister from that moment.This was all the ceremony.It was followed by a social supper,and by the presentation,in accordance with ancient custom,of a pound of sweetmeats and a bottle of Madeira,offered in the way of needful refreshment,by each grateful neophyte to each beneficent Bencher.

It may seem inconceivable that Thomas should ever have forgotten the great do-nothing principle instilled by such a ceremony as this;but it is,nevertheless,true,that certain designing students of industrious habits found him out,took advantage of his easy humour,persuaded him that it was discreditable to be a barrister and to know nothing whatever about the law,and lured him,by the force of their own evil example,into a conveyancer's chambers,to make up for lost time,and to qualify himself for practice at the Bar.After a fortnight of self-delusion,the curtain fell from his eyes;he resumed his natural character,and shut up his books.But the retribution which had hitherto always followed his little casual errors of industry followed them still.

He could get away from the conveyancer's chambers,but he could not get away from one of the pupils,who had taken a fancy to him,-a tall,serious,raw-boned,hard-working,disputatious pupil,with ideas of his own about reforming the Law of Real Property,who has been the scourge of Mr.Idle's existence ever since the fatal day when he fell into the mistake of attempting to study the law.

Before that time his friends were all sociable idlers like himself.

Since that time the burden of bearing with a hard-working young man has become part of his lot in life.Go where he will now,he can never feel certain that the raw-boned pupil is not affectionately waiting for him round a corner,to tell him a little more about the Law of Real Property.Suffer as he may under the infliction,he can never complain,for he must always remember,with unavailing regret,that he has his own thoughtless industry to thank for first exposing him to the great social calamity of knowing a bore.

These events of his past life,with the significant results that they brought about,pass drowsily through Thomas Idle's memory,while he lies alone on the sofa at Allonby and elsewhere,dreaming away the time which his fellow-apprentice gets through so actively out of doors.Remembering the lesson of laziness which his past disasters teach,and bearing in mind also the fact that he is crippled in one leg because he exerted himself to go up a mountain,when he ought to have known that his proper course of conduct was to stop at the bottom of it,he holds now,and will for the future firmly continue to hold,by his new resolution never to be industrious again,on any pretence whatever,for the rest of his life.The physical results of his accident have been related in a previous chapter.The moral results now stand on record;and,with the enumeration of these,that part of the present narrative which is occupied by the Episode of The Sprained Ankle may now perhaps be considered,in all its aspects,as finished and complete.

'How do you propose that we get through this present afternoon and evening?'demanded Thomas Idle,after two or three hours of the foregoing reflections at Allonby.